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The Zugführerwagen (abbreviated as Z.W.) is a German light/medium tank developed in the early 1930s.


Name Date Assigner
Gefechtskampfwagen 3,7cm (Vs.Kfz.619) Jun 1934 D601+
3,7cm Geschütz-Kampfwagen 12 Oct 1934 Chef der Heeresleitung
3,7cm Geschütz-Kampfwagen (Vs.Kfz.619) 28 May 1935 In 6
3,7cm Geschütz-Panzerkampfwagen 29 Nov 1935 In 6
Geschütz-Kampfwagen (3,7cm) (Vs.Kfz.619) <Dec 1935 A.H.M.
3,7cm Panzerkampfwagen 15 Jan 1936 In 6


During the 1932/1933 fiscal year, Krupp reported that the La.S. had been accepted into the Heer as standard equipment, and that two new vehicle designs were to be developed. The first of these tanks was to be fitted with a 20mm gun and armour capable of protecting against armour-piercing machine gun fire, Daimler-Benz received this contract and went on to develop the Pz.Kpfw. II. The second tank was to be a larger 10 ton tank armed with both a 37mm gun and machine guns, this contract was given to Krupp.

Wa Prw 6 provided Krupp with preliminary design parameters, which was formulated by In 6 under the Allgemeine Heeres Abteilung. Development authorization and funding was not provided until after a meeting with all the Wa Prw departments on the 11th of January 1934. This meeting discussed all matters of equipment development, with the general staff voicing opinions. On 27 January 1934, In 6 gave Wa Prw 6 the go ahead to develop a Gefechtskampfwagen mit 3,7cm Kanone.

On 24 February 1934, a meeting between In 6, Wa Prw 6, and representatives from Krupp, was undertaken. The meeting went over which companies were able to develop designs and potentially construct trial models of this new project. Krupp, Daimler-Benz, MAN, and Rheinmetall were asked to submit proposals by Wa Prw 6 for this project, now code-named Zugführerwagen.

Development of proposal designs was now underway, however the surviving information of this phase is lacking. During a telephone conversation between a MAN employee and the Waffenamt on the 18th of June 1934, it was said that the design drawings should be delivered to Berlin before the 30th of June 1934.

Proposal chassis designs were received from Daimler-Benz, MAN, and Rheinmetall (Krupp's chassis status is unknown). Wa Prw 6 required the following specifications from the designs;

  • 40km/h maximum speed.
  • Use of the Maybach HL 100 engine.
  • Use of the 6-speed ZF SSG 75 transmission.
  • Use of the Wilson Cletrac steering unit.
  • Use of Ritcher Kgs.65/326/100 tracks.

Comparison of the proposals Wa Prw 6 received are as follows;

Firm D-B M.A.N. Rhm.
Total weight (kg) 12,000 12,000 12,000
Length (mm) 5,335 5,400 5,100
Width (mm) 2,605 2,600 2,600
Height (mm) 2,390 ? 2,420
Ground clearance (mm) 350 350 400
Wheelbase (mm) 2,280 2,275 2,150
Track contact length (mm) 3,200 3,200 3,200

Wa Prw 6 evaluated the proposals and awarded the following contracts for construction of trial units before the end of 1934;

Krupp created wooden models, and multiple Versuchs-Turm were completed in August 1934. These turrets were evaluated, and on 24 August 1935 Wa Prw 6 sent a list of required modifications;

  1. Install a single row high-shoulder ball-bearing brace.
  2. Sealing frames for the Sehklappen are to be fastened with 6mm countersunk bolts. All other countersunk bolts are to be replaced with hex head bolts of medium hardness and high ductility.
  3. The 12-Uhr-Anzeiger on the turret traverse mechanism is to be lighted and moved to the left. Relocate it after the Zielfernrohr arrives in about October 1935.
  4. Switch the positions of the Zielschiene and Zielfernrohr if this is necessary, based on the shape of the Zielfernrohr.
  5. All electrical cables in the turret are to be Panzerkabel.
  6. Fasten both ends of the electric cable for the firing circuit securely.
  7. The traverse speed switch needs to be redesigned based on the Wa Prw 6 proposal.
  8. The alignment rods for the Zielschiene can be made weaker.
  9. The gears for the turret traverse mechanism need to be adjustable.
  10. The signal light box is to be replaced with a smaller model.
  11. The locks for the Signalklappen need to be perpendicular to the direction of travel.
  12. The hand grip for the elevation mechanism needs to be stronger.
  13. The location of the Seitzenzurrung is very uncomfortable, and is difficult to see.
  14. The lock for the lid to the MG auxiliary mount needs to be stronger.
  15. The retainer for the commander's seat needs to be modified.
  16. The pivoting commander's seat should be secured in its lowered position.
  17. The holding rails for the Schiebeklappen in the Kommandantenkuppel won't withstand a hit.
  18. The grip on the lid to the Kommandantenkuppel is too close to the numbered circle.
  19. The retainers for the opened Turmlukendeckeln and the left half of the lid for the Kommandantenkuppel are to be modified.
  20. All retainers to hold hatch lids open with a 5cm gap for ventilation are to be designed so that they will prevent accidental closure.
  21. The Daimler design for firing the machinegun is to be used.
  22. The possibility of adding a removable or hinged/stowable auxiliary seat for the Ladeschütze is to be investigated.
  23. The armour shield protecting the gun is to be completed.
  24. The overhang of the lid for the Kommandantenkuppel is too narrow
  25. The machinegun mount is to be modified to accept Doppeltrommeln. (refers to point 21)

The test firing trial of Turm Nr. 1 undertaken by Wa Prw 6 was deemed unsatisfactory. Krupp was to correct issues and perform replacement tests. Turm Nr. 1 saw a failure with resulted in the coaxial machine guns being damaged. These machine guns (EMG 34 Nr. 55 and Nr. 56) were to be sent to Sömmerda for repair at Krupp's expense. Turm Nr. 1, after repairs and replacements are completed, is trialled, and then retained at the Essen facility for future development. Turm Nr. 2 was to be sent to MAN.

On 22 February 1935(?) in a meeting between Major Dr. Olbrich (Wa Prw 6) and Krupp employees, Olbrich asked for the costs for redesigning the gun mantle for the Z.W. turret. The original mantlet was using an external curve, which was to be replaced with a half-cylinder with welded ends.

During the fiscal year 1934/35, it was clear that In 6 and Wa Prw 6 had not settled on the turret design. These organizations were still reviewing other proposals, including designs from Rheinmetall, and a two-man turret from Krupp.

Contracts were eventually awarded to Krupp to create three complete turrets of three different makes.

  • Geschützturm für Z.W. mit 3,7cm K. L/45 — Three-man turret
  • Geschützturm für Z.W. verstärkt mit 3,7cm K. L/45 — Three-man turret, uparmoured
  • Geschützturm für Z.W. mit 3,7cm K. L/45 und 2 statt 3 Mann Bedienung — Two-man turret

In a report consolidating military production dated until September 1939 listed that the following Versuchs-Türme had been completed at the Krupp facilities in Essen:

  • 3 x Z.W.-Türme mit Waffe 3,7cm
  • 1 x Versuchsturm V.T.37 mit Waffe 3,7cm
  • 1 x Versuchsturm V.T.371 mit Waffe 3,7cm

On the 15th of January 1936, Wa Prw 6 reported that the first trial chassis had been completed in August 1935. The Zugführerwagen Vs.Fgst.Nr. 1.


See Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. A for series production models.

Zugführerwagen Vs.Fgst.Nr. 1
Z.W. Versuchs-Fahrgestell Vs.Fgst.Nr. 1, used to create the Pz.Kpfw. III A.
Zugführerwagen Vs.Fgst.Nr. 3
Z.W. Versuchs-Fahrgestell Vs.Fgst.Nr. 3, used to create the Pz.Kpfw. III B.
Zugführerwagen Vs.Fgst.Nr. 4
Z.W. Versuchs-Fahrgestell Vs.Fgst.Nr. 4, used to create the Pz.Kpfw. III C and D.
Flag of Germany (1935 to 1945) Germany (Deutsches Reich) War Flag of Germany (1938-1945)
Land Vehicles
1919 - 1945
Tracked Vehicles
Light Tanks Light Tanks E 10kl.Tr (A.H.)kl.Tr. Fgst.Nr.8000kl.Tr.l.K.A.1l.K.A.2l. Pz.Kpfw. z.V.g.E.u.Lz. m. 5,5cm I (ABCD)Pz.Kpfw. II (abcABCDEFGHJLM)Pz.Kpfw. 35(t)Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) (ABCDEFGSnA)Pz.Kpfw. 38 DPz.Kpfw. LeopardPz.Kpfw. T-15Pz.Kpfw. T-21Pz.Kpfw. T-22Pz.Kpfw. T-23VAE 393VK6.01VK6.02VK9.01VK9.02VK9.03VK13.03VK16.01VK16.02
Amphibious Light Tanks Pz.Kpfw. II (Schwimm)Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) (Schwimm)
Flamethrower Light Tanks Fl.Pz. I AFl.Pz. II AFl.Pz. II B
Command Light Tanks Führungs-Fahrzeug auf Pz.Kpfw. 731(r)Pz.Bfw. I (A (early)A (mid)A (late)BB RahmenantenneB für Sd.Kfz.300/303)Pz.Bfw. 35(t)
Medium Tanks Medium Tanks B.W. I(Rh)B.W. I(K)B.W. II(K)E 50gr.Tr.(DB)gr.Tr.(K)gr.Tr.(Rh)K.A.v.m.K.A.Mw.Pz.Nb.Pz.Kpfw. IVPz.Kpfw. 740(f)Pz.Kpfw. III (ABCDEE+FF+GG+HJKLMN)Pz.Kpfw. III/IVPz.Kpfw. IV (ABCDEF1F2GHJW1462)Pz.Kpfw. Panther (DAGFIIV1V2)VK20.01(Rh)VK24.01VK28.01(K)VK30.01(DB)VK30.01(H)VK30.01(MAN) (V1V2)VK30.01(P)VK30.02Z.W. (38394041V1V3V4)
Amphibious Medium Tanks T.Pz. III (BFGHPz.Bfw. III H)T.Pz. IVT.Stu.G. IIIU.-T.Fz.
Command Medium Tanks Pz.Bfw. III (D1EGH (early)H (late)KM)Pz.Bfw. IV (HJ)Pz.Bfw. V DPz.Bfw. V D mit Pz.Kpfw. IV H TurmPz.Bfw. V APz.Bfw. V GPz.Kpfw. III (Fu) JPz.Kpfw. III (Fu) LPz.Kpfw. III (Fu) NT.Pz.Bfw. III H
Flamethrower Medium Tanks Fl.Pz. III MFl.Pz. 38 (t)Fl.Pz. 740(f)
Heavy Tanks Standard Heavy Tanks D.W. ID.W. IIE 75E 100I.w.L.K.LK P.1000LK P.1500Pz.Kpfw. I FPz.Kpfw. Tiger (H1H2E)Pz.Kpfw. Tiger IIPz.Kpfw. VIIPz.Kpfw. Maus (Maus II)s.K.A.Typ 205 (/1/2)Typ 245VK18.01VK30.01(H)VK30.01(P)VK36.01(H)VK45.01(P)VK45.01(H)VK45.02(H)VK45.02(P1)VK45.02(P2)VK45.03(H)VK65.01(H)VK70.01(K)VK72.01VK100.01(K)VK100.01(P)VK130.01(K)
Command Heavy Tanks Pz.Bfw. VIPz.Bfw. VI(P)
Self-Propelled Guns SPAA 2cm FlaK 38 auf RSO3cm MK 103 auf Typ 2455cm FlaK 41 auf VK16.025cm FlaK 41 auf VK28.015cm Gerät auf VK16.025cm Gerät auf VK28.015,5cm Gerät 58 Z. auf W.T.5,5cm MK 122 auf Typ 2458,8cm FlaK 37 auf Pz.Kpfw. IV8,8cm FlaK 41 auf Pz.Kpfw. IV8,8cm FlaK 41 (Sfl.) Panther I8,8cm Pz.Fla.K. v. RheinmetallFlak.Pz. IFlak.Pz. IIFlak.Pz. IV KugelblitzFlak.Pz. MöbelwagenFlak.Pz. IV Ostwind (II)Flak.Pz. IV WirbelwindFlak.Pz. ZerstörerFlak.Pz. 38 (t)Flak.Pz. 38 DFlak.Pz. 554Flak.Pz. 747(r)gep.Sfl. f. Fla.K. 41l. Pz.Kpfw. z.V.g.E.u.Lz. m. 5,5cm mit Vierling 2cm
SPATG 3,7cm (Sfl.) auf Hanomag-Schlepper4,7cm PaK 36(t) (Sf) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen I4,7cm Pa.K. 38 (t) auf Pz.Kpfw. 731 (r)4,7cm PaK 181(f) auf Panzerjäger LrS(f)4,7cm PaK 183(f) auf Pz.Jgr. Lr.S.(f)5cm PaK 38 auf Fgst. Pz.Kpfw. II7,5cm PaK 40/4 auf RSO7,5cm PaK 42 auf VK9.037,5cm PaK 97/38(f) auf Pz.Kpfw. 740(r)8,8cm PaK 43/1 auf G.W. III/IV10,5cm K 18 auf Pz.Kpfw. IVa12,8cm K 43 auf Gerät 5-121312,8cm K 43 auf Pz.Kpfw. Panther8,8cm PaK 43 auf l.Eh.W.T.E 25JPz. 38 DJ.Pz. 38J.Pz. 38 mit 10,5cm StuH 42J.Pz. 38 mit 7,5cm L/70J.Pz. 38 StarrJ.Pz. IV L/43J.Pz. IV L/48J.Pz. IVbJPz. Jagdpantherl.Tr. (Rh)L.S.K.Marder I LrSMarder I FCM-36Marder I 39HMarder II 75mmMarder II 76.2mmMarder IIIMarder III Ausf. HMarder III Ausf. MPz. IV lang(E)Pz. IV/70(A)Pz. IV/70(V)Pz.Jgr. 38 mit Pz.Kpfw. IV TurmPz.Jgr. FerdinandPz.Jgr. ElefantPz.Jgr. Tiger B(H)Pz.Jgr. Tiger B(P)Pz.Jgr. Tiger B mit 8,8cm PaK 43/3Pz.Jgr. Tiger B mit 12,8cm PaK L/66Pz.Kpfw. mit 7,5cm StuK 40Pz.kl.Z.Pz.Sfl. f. 12,8cm K 40Typ 245/2Typ 250Typ 255s.kl.Pz.Kpfw. mit 10cm PAWs.kl.Pz.Kpfw. mit 10,5cm leFH 43 und 3cm MK 108W.T. 8,8cm Krupp-ArdeltW.T. 8,8cm Rhm.-BorsigW.T. 8,8cm SteyrVK70.02(P)
SPG 7,7cm Kanone auf Hanomag-Schlepper12,8cm Kanone 43 Gerät 5-1211 Krupp15cm sIG 33 auf Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) MGerät 5-1530Gerät 5-1528Gw. TigerPz.Sfl. IIIStu.H. 42Stu.IG 33Stu.G. LeopardStu.G. III (ABCDEFF/8GL/70)Stu.G. IVStu.G. E 75Stu.G. E 100Stu.G. 853(i)Stu.H.Stu.Pz.Tauch-Stu.G. III
SPH 10,5cm leFH 18/3 Gw. 740(f)10,5cm leFH 16/18 (Sf) auf Geschützwagen FCM-36(f)10,5cm leFH 18 (Sf) auf Geschützwagen LrS(f)10,5cm leFH 18/1 auf Geschützwagen IVb10,5cm leFH 18/40/2 auf Geschützwagen III/IV10,5cm leFH 18/6 auf Geschützwagen III/IV10,5cm leFH 43 auf Typ 24515cm sFH 13 (Sf) auf Geschützwagen LrS(f)15cm schweres Feldhaubitze 18/4 Gerät 81115cm sIG 33 (Sfl) auf Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf.B15cm sIG 33B (Sfl) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. HSturmpanzer 38 (t)Wespe
SPM 8cm schwerer Granatwerfer 34 auf Panzerspähwagen AMR-35(f)30,5cm L/16 auf Sfl. Bär30,5cm Mörser M 16 auf Sturmpanzer IVGerät 040Gerät 041Panzermörser 35(t)Sturmpanzer VI Sturmtiger
SPRA Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. C mit schweres Wurfgerät 41 28-32cmRaketenwerfer Panther
Explosive Related Remote Controlled Explosives GoliathSpringer
Demolition Carriers Borgward IIIBorgward IV
Mine Laying Ladungsleger auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf. ALadungsleger auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf. BLadungsleger II
Mine Clearing Alkett Vs.Kfz. 617 MinenräumerBorgward IBorgward IIKrupp Räumer SMinenräumer IIIMineräumpanzer IVMinenräumwagen 1.2.
Misc Tanks Ammunition Carriers Gw.II f. Mun.Gw.III/IV f. Mun.Gw.38 f. Mun. KMunitionspanzer IIIMunitionspanzer für SturmpanzerVK3.01VK3.02VK5.01
Armoured Recovery Bergepanther (DAG)Bergepanzer 38 DBergepanzer 38(t)Berg.Pz. 748(a)Bergepanzer IBergepanzer II Ausf. JBergepanzer II LuchsBergepanzer IIIBergepanzer IVBergepanzer VI(P)VKz35.01
Bridge Laying Br. I ABr. II BBr. IV CBr. IV DBrückenmaterialträgerSturmstegpanzer IV
Engineering & Maintenance Instandsetzungskraftwagen IPi.Pz.Kpfw. IPi.Pz.Kpfw. III
Training Vehicles PzKpfw I A o AufbauPzKpfw I B o AufbauFahrschulpanzer VFahrschulpanzer VIFahrschulpanzer 740(f)
Transport & Towing Raupenschlepper Ost
Rail Tanks Schienenkampfwagen 1
Ramming & Land / Snow Clearance Ramschaufelpanzer PantherVK45.01(P) mit Rammhaube
Recon & Observation Art.-Pz.Beobw. PantherAufkl. 38 D (2cm)Aufkl. 38 D (7,5cm)Aufkl.Pz. 38(t) (2cm)Aufkl.Pz. 38(t) (7,5cm)Aufkl.Pz. (5,5cm)Aufkl.Pz. PantherAufklärungsfarhzeug Auto UnionBoeb.Pz.Wg. IIKugelpanzerPanzer-Aufklärer auf 38(t)Pz.Beobw. IIPzBeobw IIIPzBeobw IV JPzBeobw V DPzSpw II (2cm)Panzerspähwagen II (5cm)Vollkettenaufklärer 38(t)
Half-Tracked Vehicles
Offensive / Defensive SPAA 2cm Fla.K. 30 auf Fgst. le.Zgkw. 1t2cm Fla.K. 38 auf Fgst. le.Zgkw. 1t2cm Fla.K. 38 (Sf.) auf le.Zgkw. 1t2cm Fla.K. 38 Vierling (Sf.) auf m.Zgkw. 8t3,7cm Fla.K. 43/1 auf Sfl. s.W.S.5cm Fla.K. 41 (Sf.) auf m.Zgkw 5t8,8cm Fla.K. 18 (Sfl.) auf s.Zgkw 12t8,8cm Fla.K. 37 (Sfl.) auf s.Zgkw 18t
Armoured Recon le.S.P.W. (2cm)le.S.P.W. (3,7cm) aAle.S.P.W. (3,7cm) nAPz.Spw. RK A
Fire Support le.S.P.W. (7,5cm)le.S.P.W. (s.Pz.B. 41)
SPM 8cm R-vielfachwerfer auf Fahgestell S 303(f)leichter Schützenpanzerwagen (schwerer Granatwerfer)mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen S307(f)
SPRA 8cm R.W. auf Fgst. S303(f)8cm Reihenwerfer auf Fahgestell S303(f)
SPATG 5cm PaK 38 (Sf) auf leichter Zugkraftwagen 1t7,5cm PaK 40 (Sf) auf Fahrgestell S 307(f)8,8cm FlaK 18 (Sf) auf schwerer Zugkraftwagen 12t8,8cm FlaK 37 (Sfl.) auf schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18tleichter Schützenpanzerwagen mit Sfl 5cm PaK 38 L/60Panzerjäger S307(f) mit 7,5cm PaK 40 L/46
Utility Ammunition Carriers (AB)
Command le.Beob.Pz.Wg. n.A.
Communication & Cable Related kl.Kett.Krad. f. Fe.Kab.kl.Kett.Krad. f. s.Fe.Kab.leichter Fernsprechpanzerwagenleichter Funkpanzerwagen
Engineering m.S.P.W. (Pi)
Observation, Spotting & Survey leichter gepanzerter Beobachtungskraftwagenleichter Beobachtungspanzerwagen Altele.Messtrupp-Pz.Wg.m.S.P.W. (IR)
Transport & Towing gepanzerter Transportkraftwagen P380(f)kl.Kett.Kradleichter Schützenpanzerwagen Seriesleichter Schützenpanzerwagen Altele.S.P.W. n.A.le.S.P.W. U304(f)le.Zgkw 1tle.Zgkw 3tle.Zgkw S307(f)m.gep.Zgkw S303(f)m.Zgkw 5tm.Zgkw 8tS.P.W. M2(a)S.P.W. M3(a)s.Zgkw 12ts.Zgkw 18tZgkw P302(b)Zgkw P302(f)Zgkw P304(f)
Wheeled Vehicles
Offensive / Defensive Armoured Cars ARWgep.Kw.l.MG.Kw.l.Pz.Spw. (2cm) Al.Pz.Spw. (2cm) Bl.Pz.Spw. (MG)l.Pz.Spw. (4 Rad) (Tp.)MG.Kw.Pz.Spw. 202(i)Panzerspähwagen Škoda PA-II 4-rads.Pz.Spw. (2cm)s.Pz.Spw. (5cm)s.Pz.Spw. (6rad)s.Pz.Spw. (7,5cm K 37)s.Pz.Spw. (7,5cm K 51)s.Pz.Spw. (7,5cm K L/48)s.Pz.Spw. (7,5cm PaK 40)ZRW
SPAA 2cm Fla.K. 30 auf Volkswagen Schwimmwagen Type L4500A mit 3,7cm Fla.K. 36Sfl. auf Fgst. VOMAG 7 OR 660 mit 8,8cm Fla.K. 36
Other Command Kfz. 14Kfz. 15kl.Pz.Fw. A (AB)le.Fu.Kw.le.Pz.Spw. (Fu.)(AB)Pz.Fw. (6 Rad)Pz.Fw. (8 Rad)Pz.Spw. PA-II (Fu.) (4 Rad) (Fu.)
Fire Fighting Obel Blitz 1,0t KzS
Kitchen l.Meßtrupp.Kw.m.Meßtrupp.Kw.Obel Blitz 3,0t Küchenwagen
Medical San.ger.Kw.
Motocycles BMW R17BMW R68BMW R71BMW R75DKW NZ 350FN M12Gillet Herstal 720 ABGnome-Rhône AX IINimbusZündapp DB 200Zündapp DBK 200Zündapp K 800Zündapp KS 600Zündapp KS 750
Transport & Towing Adler 10NAdler 12N 3GAdler 12N RWAdler 3GDAdler V40TAdler W61ADTKBMW 3/15 PSBMW 3/20 PSBMW 309BMW 315BMW 319Borgward 5 tBorgward B 3000 ABorgward B 3000 ABorgward Europa VBorgward L 2000 SBorgward L 2300Borgward Typ 3 t Benzin G.W.Borgward Typ 3 t Diesel G.W.Ford BBFord EGaFord EGbFord EGdFord EG Typ 40Ford G198TWAFord G388TSFord G398TSFord G917TFord G987TFord G997TFord V 3000AFord V 3000SFord V 3000S/SSM MaultierFord V8 G48Ford V8 G78Ford V8-51gp.Kw.Hanomag 3/16 PSHanomag 4/20 PSHanomag 4/23 PSHanomag GarantHanomag RekordHorch Typ 1a Kfz.15Horch Typ 1a Kfz. 21Horch 830BHorch 830RHorch 901Krupp 320 Model 1939Mercedes-Benz DB s 7Mercedes-Benz DB s 8Mercedes-Benz DB L 5Mercedes-Benz DB L 7Mercedes-Benz DB L 8Mercedes-Benz DB m 8Mercedes-Benz DB 9Mercedes-Benz DB 10Mercedes-Benz G3aMercedes-Benz LG63Mercedes-Benz LG65/3Mercedes-Benz LG65/4Mercedes-Benz LG3000Mercedes-Benz Lo2000Mercedes-Benz Lo2500Mercedes-Benz Lo2750Mercedes-Benz Lo3750Mercedes-Benz L701Mercedes-Benz L1500AMercedes-Benz L1500EMercedes-Benz L1500SMercedes-Benz L3000Mercedes-Benz L3000AMercedes-Benz L3000SMercedes-Benz L3750Mercedes-Benz L4500AMercedes-Benz L4500RMercedes-Benz L4500SMercedes-Benz L6500Mercedes-Benz L10000Mercedes-Benz Admiral KastenwagenOpel 1,2L pritscheOpel 1,2L kastenlieferwagenOpel 2,0L pickupOpel 2,0L gas generator pickupOpel 10Opel P4 KastenlieferwagenOpel-Blitz gas generatorOpel-Blitz 1,0tOpel-Blitz 1,0t omnibusOpel-Blitz 1,0t KastenwagenOpel-Blitz 2,5t-32Opel-Blitz 2,5tOpel-Blitz 2,5t omnibusOpel-Blitz 3,0t ombibusOpel-Blitz 3,6t-36SOpel-Blitz 3,6t-36SSMOpel-Blitz 3,6-47 omnibusOpel-Blitz 3,6-47 Wehrmacht omnibusOpel-Blitz 3,6-6700AOpel-Olympia OL38Saurer RR-7schwerer Einheits PKW (FernsprechkraftwagenFlakkraftwagenFunkkraftwagenMannschaftskraftwagenProtzkraftwagenScheinwerferkraftwagen IScheinwerferkraftwagen (4-rad) (6-rad)Škoda H6ST6-TŠkoda Radschlepper ÖstŠkoda Typ 903Škoda Typ 952Steyr-40D/140Steyr-40D/340Steyr-40D/440Steyr-270 1500A/02Steyr-470 RSO/01Steyr-640Steyr-2000ATatra 57 (ABK)Tatra 72Tatra 82Tatra 92Tatra 111Tatra 57KVW Typ 82 KübelwagenVW Typ 87VW Typ 166 Schwimmwagen
Books Online Documents
• Panzer Tracts No. 3-1