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The Vektor Z 88 is a South African pistol developed from the Beretta 92FS. The Z 88 was designed to replace the mixture of service revolvers and pistols used by the South African police and military.


It was originally reverse-engineered from 1984 to 1986 by Lyttelton Ingenieurs Werke (LIW) from twenty sample pistols the South African government had acquired. The Z 88 has complete parts commonality with the Beretta 92FS it is based on in order to simplify maintenance and repair. The designation of the “Z” in "Z 88" is spawned from the last name initial of T.D. Zeederberg, a serving general manager of LIW. The "88" within the designation is derived from the year in which the firearm was approved (1988).

LIW began tooling up to produce the Z 88 in 1986. It soon underwent trials with the South African military and was approved for service in 1988. The first pistols went to the South African Police Service in 1988, with the military getting their first consignment in 1989. When the international embargo against South Africa was lifted in 1991, Beretta negotiated a licensing agreement that allowed Vektor to make the Z 88 for internal manufacture, but forbade export.

Denel Pty Ltd. was set up in 1992 to control South Africa's arms manufacturing group, with ARMSCOR (Armaments Corporation of South Africa) reorganized into an acquisitions and marketing role. LIW was made one of Denel's divisions. LIW produced military arms and Musgrave Manufacturing produced civilian hunting rifles and shotguns. Vektor Arms absorbed Musgrave's tooling in 1996, became its own separate division in 1997, and stopped producing civilian-market arms in 1998.

Beretta 92 Pattern Pistols
Italy Originals 92 (A1DDSDS CenturionFFSBrigadierFS Brigadier InoxFS CenturionFS CompactFS InoxFS VertecGSS-1SBSB-C)
Derivatives Beretta 93RM9 Pistol (A1A3)
Foreign Models Brazilian Taurus PT912
French PAMAS G1
South African Vektor Z 88
Turkish Yavuz 16
Denel Products
Firearms Denel
Assault Rifles CR 21R 1R 2R 4R 5R 6
Sniper Rifles NTW 20
Submachine Guns BXP
Pistols CP 1SP 1Z 88
Machine Guns SS 77
Launchers Neopup PAW 20
Flag of South Africa since 1994 Weapons of South Africa Flag of South Africa since 1994
Modern Period (1946 - Present)
Infantry Weapons
Melee Weapons Bayonet [[]]
Survival Weapon [[]]
Sidearms Pistol [[]]
Revolver [[]]
Machine Pistol [[]]
Close Quarters Personal Defense Weapon [[]]
Submachine Gun [[]]
Shotgun (automatic) [[]]
Shotgun (semi-automatic) [[]]
Shotgun (manual-action) MAG-7NeoStead 2000
Primary Weapons Assault Rifle (5.45/5.56) [[]]
Assault Rifle (7.62) [[]]
Assault Rifle (other) [[]]
Carbine (5.45/5.56) [[]]
Carbine (7.62) [[]]
Carbine (other) [[]]
Automatic Support Weapons Light Machine Gun [[]]
General Purpose Machine Gun [[]]
Heavy Machine Gun [[]]
Long Range Anti-Materiel Rifle [[]]
Bolt-Action Rifle [[]]
Designated Marksman Rifle [[]]
Launchers Grenade Launcher (Attachment) [[]]
Grenade Launcher (Standalone) [[]]
Disposable Rocket Launcher [[]]
Rocket Launcher [[]]
Guided, Anti-Tank [[]]
Guided, Anti-Air [[]]
Non-Lethal Weapons Rifle [[]]
Pistol [[]]
Underwater Weapons Sidearm [[]]
Rifle [[]]
Explosives Anti-Personnel Mines [[]]
Anti-Tank Mines [[]]
Offensive Grenades [[]]
Smoke Grenades [[]]
Firearm Accessories
Optics Iron Sights [[]]
Collimator [[]]
Telescopic [[]]
Magnifier [[]]
Attachments Flashlights & Lasers [[]]
Foregrips & Bipods [[]]
Infantry Equipment
Clothing Backpacks [[]]
Body Armour [[]]
Bomb Suit [[]]
Elbow and knee pads [[]]
Signals & IFF [[]]
Suits [[]]
Vests & Webbing [[]]
Headwear Communication [[]]
Gas Masks & Rebreathers [[]]
Goggles [[]]
Helmets [[]]
Vehicle Headwear [[]]
Optics, Detection and Surveillance Man-Portable Radar [[]]
Mine Detectors [[]]
Night Vision Goggles [[]]
Periscopes [[]]
Rangefinders [[]]
Surveillance [[]]
Anti-Aircraft Guns [[]]
Anti-Tank Guns [[]]
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles [[]]
Anti-Tank Guided Missile Systems [[]]
Anti-Tank Guided Missile Systems [[]]
Howitzers [[]]
Mortars [[]]
Railroad Artillery [[]]
Recoilless Guns [[]]
Rocket Artillery [[]]
Siege Artillery [[]]
Land Vehicle Weapons
Vehicle Machine Guns [[]]
57mm Tank Guns [[]]
73mm Tank Guns [[]]
76.2mm Tank Guns [[]]
85mm Tank Guns [[]]
100mm Tank Guns [[]]
115mm Tank Guns [[]]
120mm Tank Guns [[]]
122mm Tank Guns [[]]
125mm Tank Guns [[]]
130mm Tank Guns [[]]
152.4mm Tank Guns [[]]
Heavy Guns [[]]
Vehicle Autocannon [[]]
Aircraft Weapons & Munitions
7.62mm Machine Guns [[]]
12.7mm Machine Guns [[]]
23mm Cannons [[]]
30mm Cannons [[]]
37mm Cannons [[]]
Rocket Pods [[]]
Rockets [[]]
Air-to-Air Missiles [[]]
Air-to-Ship Missiles [[]]
Air-to-Surface Missiles [[]]
Anti-Radiation Missiles [[]]
Cruise Missiles [[]]
Bombs [[]]