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The VPO-222-00 (ВПО-222-00) is a Russian hunting firearm. The VPO-222 is very similar to the VPO-221, however it features polymer furniture, a folding stock, and rails to mount accessories.

Models without rails are also available.


Variant with 420mm barrel.
Variant with 520mm barrel.
Variant with 590mm barrel.
Variant with 700mm barrel.
Molot-Oruzhiye Products
Firearms Molot
Hunting & Sporting Rifles OP-SKSSOK-94 (1718)SOK-95M (00010203040506070809)SOK-95MK (00010203)SOK-98 (-02-03)SOK-243 (-01-02)Vepr'-1RVepr'-1VVepr'-3VVepr'-12Vepr'-15Vepr'-308 SuperVepr'-KhanterVepr'-KMVPO-101 (MV)VPO-111 (01)VPO-123 (0102)VPO-125 (01)VPO-127VPO-129 (010203)VPO-132 (01)VPO-134VPO-136 (K)VPO-148 (010203040506070809)VPO-156VPO-158 (N-06)VPO-193 (000102)VPO-201 (03M)VPO-202 (0407)VPO-205 (01020304SP)VPO-206 (0102)VPO-208VPO-209VPO-212 (0104)VPO-213 (181920)VPO-215 (0102)VPO-220VPO-221 (010203)VPO-222 (010203)VPO-223VPO-224VPO-240VPO-243VPO-302VPO-512VPO-911 (K)VPO-913VPO-914VPO-923VPO-925VPO-926
Sidearms VPO-509VPO-526
Flag of the Russian Federation (1993 to present) Russian Federation
Modern Period (1991 — Present)
Infantry Weapons
Melee Weapons Bayonet 6Kh5NR-2
Survival Weapon 6P25UNRS-2
Sidearms Pistol GSh-18MP-71 (H)MPL (-1)MP-443MP-444MP-445MP-446OTs-27P-96 (MS)PL-14PL-15 (K)PLKPYaS4MSR1 (1MMPPM)TK717TTK1911 (SKhT)TK P226T (SSKh)
Revolver AYeK-906 (-01)MP-412OTs-01OTs-11OTs-28OTs-38OTs-134R-92RSA KobaltRSh-12
Machine Pistol OTs-23OTs-33
Close Quarters Personal Defense Weapon GepardPP-90 (M)PP-92PP-2000SR-2 (M)
Submachine Gun 9A-91AYeK-918 (gv)AYeK-919 (k)KMO-9OTs-02 (01)OTs-12OTs-22 (M)PKSKPP-9PP-19 (22-012-022-032-042-052-062-073)PP-19-01PP-90 (M)PP-90M1PP-91 (01)PP-92PP-919PP-2011PPK-20SR2 (MMP)VPO-132
Shotgun (semi-automatic) AKS-366Bekas-M-AutoMP-153MP-155 (K)MTs 21-12Saiga 12 (340)VPO-205 (0102030404-06SP)
Shotgun (manual-action) Bekas (M)KS-23 (KM)Marocchi First-E (Deluxe)Marocchi Si-12MP-133 (KS)MTs 255RMB-93TK527TOZ-34TOZ-66TOZ-94TOZ-106TOZ-123TOZ-194TP-82
Primary Weapons Assault Rifle (5.45/5.56) 5.56A-91A-545ADAR 2-15ADSAK-12 (M1)AK-19AK-74MAK-101 (12)AK-107AK-108AK-200AK-201AK-400AN-94 (N)AYeK-971 (M)AYeK-972AYeK-977AYeK-978ORSIS-AR15JSGK-13SGK-14SGK-15VAHAN
Assault Rifle (7.62) A-91 (M)A-762AK-15AK-103AK-109AK-203AK-308AYeK-973 (s)OTs-14-1AORSIS-AR15JSarychSGK-12
Assault Rifle (other) 9A-91ASh-12AS (-1-1N3M)OTs-14-4AShAK-12
Assault Carbine (5.45/5.56) AK-12KAK-102 (12)AK-105AK-202AK-205AKV-521AM-17AYeK-958MA
Assault Carbine (7.62) AK-15KAK-104AK-204
Assault Carbine (other) AK-9AMB-17SR3 (MMP)
Automatic Support Weapons Light Machine Gun RPK-16RPK-74MRPK-201RPK-203RPK-400RPL-20
General Purpose Machine Gun AYeK-995AYeK-999PKP
Heavy Machine Gun [[]]
Rifles Anti-Materiel Rifle KSVKOSV-96V-94
Bolt-Action Rifle DVL-10ORSIS 120ORSIS 140ORSIS 220ORSIS AlpineORSIS F17ORSIS F-ClassORSIS HunterORSIS T-5000ORSIS VarmintSV-98 (SV-98M)SV-99SV-338
Marksman Rifle OSV-96SVCh (-51-54-338)SVD (GKMNN1N2N3SSN2SN3)SVU (-A-AS-M)VSK-94VSS (M)
Civilian Rifle KO-40KO-44KSZ-223OP-SKSORSIS K15OTs-03MOTs-130SOK-95 (MM-01)TK509TK510TK515Vepr 15VPO-101VPO-111 (01)VPO-123 (-2)VPO-125VPO-129 (-2)VPO-136VPO-148-02VPO-240
Launchers Grenade Launcher (Attachment) BS-1GP-25GP-30 (M)GP-34GP-46Kalashnikov Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher (Standalone) 6G30AYeK-965DP-61DP-64GM-94RG-6RGM-40RGM-50 (M)
Disposable Rocket Launcher RPG-18RPG-22RPG-26RPG-27RPG-28RPG-30
Rocket Launcher AYeK-908RPG-2RPG-2RPG-4RPG-7RPG-16RPG-29RPG-32
Guided, Anti-Tank 9P111
Guided, Anti-Air [[]]
Non-Lethal Weapons Rifle Junker-4-327Junker-4-439
Pistol AYeK-946Kedr-MDMP-471PDT-9TPDT-13T
Underwater Weapons Sidearm SPP-1
Explosives Anti-Personnel Mines [[]]
Anti-Tank Mines [[]]
Offensive Grenades [[]]
Smoke Grenades [[]]
Firearm Accessories
Weapon Equipment Attachment Mounts [[]]
Magazines 6L56L66L76L86L96L106L116L126L156L166L176L186L196L206L236L246L256L266L276L286L296L316L336P2 Sb.11
Weapon Sights Collimator 1P561P63 (PK-1) (ObzorZapev)1P66 (VK-10T)EKP-1S-03 (M)EKP-8 (02161821M-PP)KP-SR2
Iron [[]]
Night 1PN341PN581PN68NSPU (MM-1)
Reflector EKP-8-18PK-06
Telescopic 1P29 (USP-1)1P43
Attachments Flashlights & Lasers [[]]
Foregrips & Bipods 6Ch64
Infantry Equipment
Optics, Detection and Surveillance Man-Portable Radar 1L227 SobolyatnikAistenokPSNR-8M Kredo-M1
Mine Detectors Korshun
Night Vision Goggles 1PN138Lun-M
Periscopes TR-8
Rangefinders PDU-4
Surveillance Ironiya
Autocannons 23mm 2A14
Anti-Aircraft Guns 23mm 2A1323mm ZU-23
Anti-Tank Guns 85mm D-48100mm 2A19 (-1MN)100mm 2A23100mm 2A29 (-1-6-7KMN)125mm 2A45 (M)
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles 9M1119M1139M1319M133
Anti-Tank Guided Missile Systems 9K1119K1139K1159K135
Anti-Tank Guided Missile Systems 2P262P27
Howitzers 122mm D-30 (AA1)
Mortars 82mm 2B1482mm 2B25
Mountain Guns 76mm GP-58
Recoilless Guns B-10 (N)
Rocket Artillery 9K51 (-1M)
Siege Artillery [[]]
Land Vehicle Weapons
57mm Tank Guns Ch-51M
73mm Tank Guns 2A282A41
76.2mm Tank Guns D-56T (S)
85mm Tank Guns D-5T (85MBU)D-58D-70ZiS-S-53 (M)
100mm Tank Guns 2A70D-10SD-10T (2S)D-50D-54 (S)LB-1U-8TS
115mm Tank Guns 2A212A20D-68U-5TS
120mm Tank Guns 2A60
122mm Tank Guns A-19SBL-9BL-13-1 (A)D-6D-25SD-25T (44TBM)D-30TD-49M-30M-62 (ST2S)U-11
125mm Tank Guns D-812A262A46 (12M)2A82 (11M)D-81TMML-20
130mm Tank Guns S-26S-70 (A)
152.4mm Tank Guns 2A332A83BL-10BR-2D-4SD-22M-51M-53SM-64M-69ML-20 (ML-20SM)
Heavy Guns 180mm B-1-P203mm B-4
Autocannon (?) 23mm 2A7 (M)30mm 2A38M30mm 2A4230mm 2A7237mm 2A1157mm S-68
Autocannon Mounts 23mm 2A10 (M)37mm 2A12
Aircraft Weapons & Munitions
7.62mm Machine Guns GShG-7,62ShKAS
12.7mm Machine Guns Berezin UB
23mm Cannons GSh-6-23 (M)GSh-23 (L)NR-23NS-23
30mm Cannons 2A422A72GSh-6-30GSh-301NR-30
37mm Cannons N-37
Rocket Pods B-8 (M1)B-13O-25ORO-57KUB-16 (UB-16-57)UB-32 (A)
Rockets S-5S-8 (BMKOMOM)S-13 (OFT)S-24 (B)S-25 (LLDOFMOFM-PU)S-80
AAM K-5K-8K-13 (A)R-27 (EPERETPRT)R-33 (E)R-40 (RDTD)R-60 (MMK)R-73 (AE)R-77RVV-AE
ASM Kh-31 (AAD)Kh-35 (EU)Kh-41P-800
AGM Kh-23Kh-25(MLMT)Kh-29 (DLMLT)Kh-31Kh-38 (MAEMEMKEMLEMTE)Kh-59 (MEMKMK2)Kh-66
Anti-Radiation Missiles Kh-25MPKh-27 (PS)Kh-28Kh-31 (PPD)Kh-58 (UShKE)
Cruise Missiles Kh-36Kh-65 (SSE)Kh-SD
Bombs BETAB-500SHPFAB-250FAB-500 (T)KAB-500 (KRLODS-E)KAB-1500 (KRL)ODAB-500PMOFAB-100-120OFAB-250-270P-50TRBK-250RBK-500SPBE-DZB-500
Naval Weapons & Munitions
7.62mm Machine Guns [[]]
12.7mm Machine Guns [[]]
23mm Cannons [[]]
30mm Cannons [[]]
37mm Cannons 70-K
100mm Cannons AK-100
Rockets [[]]
Air-to-Air Missiles [[]]
Air-to-Ship Missiles [[]]
Air-to-Surface Missiles [[]]
Anti-Radiation Missiles [[]]
Cruise Missiles [[]]
Bombs [[]]