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The Type 26 Revolver (Japanese: 二十六年式拳銃 / Nijuuroku-nen-shiki kenjuu) was the first modern revolver to be adopted by the Imperial Japanese Army.


Limited Early Production, no Markings[]

Earliest production models had no markings or serial numbers.

Limited Early Production, Markings[]

Early production, has markings but no serial numbers.

Standard Production[]

Checked pattern grip panels, serial 1,000 through 58,900.

Limited Final Production[]

325 produced, serial numbers 58,903 through 59,277.

Arsenal Reworked[]

Nagoya Arsenal reworked at least four Type 26 Revolvers.



The Type 26 Revolver was issued with a clamshell holster similar to the French Modèle 1892 Revolver. The earliest holsters were black, and the cotton lanyards issued with them were a dark blue color (kon). A leather pocket for the cleaning rod was provided, sewn onto the forward edge of the holster body. Most holsters have the maker's identification and arsenal inspection markings stamped on the inside, including the year of manufacture. Very early holsters issued in late 1890s through early 1900s were a slightly different size and shape, and without a cleaning rod. A few holsters in 1943 have been noted to be all black lacquered hardware, missing brass and galvanized steel fittings. Late World War II holsters use poor fabric similar to the Type 94 Nambu holsters, with no shoulder straps or pouches for cleaning rods and ammunition.

Grenade Launcher[]

The Type 90 Tear Gas Grenade Launcher was a grenade launcher developed to be fired with the Type 26 Revolver.

Flag of the Empire of Japan Weapons of Imperial Japan Flag of the Imperial Japanese Army and Air Service
1919 - 1945
Infantry Weapons
Swords Guntō
Bayonets Type30 BayonetType35 BayonetType2 Bayonet
Revolvers Type26 Revolver
Semi-Automatic Pistols Hamada Type 1 PistolHamada Type 2 PistolSugiura ShikiTypeA NambuTypeB NambuType 14 PistolType 19 PistolType 94 Nambu
Bolt-Action Rifles Type30 RifleType30 CarbineType35Type38 RifleType38 CarbineType38 Cavalry RifleType44Type97Type99 ArisakaType99 Sniper RifleType100 TERAType1 TERAType2 TERATypeITypeMo
Semi-Automatic Rifles Type4Type5
Submachine Guns Experimental Model 1 Submachine GunExperimental Model 2 Submachine GunMAB 38MP 34Type100
Light Machine Guns Te-4Type11Type96Type99
Heavy Machine Guns Type3Type92Type92Type1
Anti-Tank Rifles Type97
Grenade Launchers Type10Type89
Rifle Grenade Launchers Type100Type2
Anti-Personnel Grenades Type10Type91Type97Type98Type99Type3Type4
Rocket Launchers Type4Type5
Flamethrowers Number 1 FlamethrowerNumber 2 FlamethrowerType93Type95Type100
Anti-Aircraft Guns Type2 20mmType98 20mmType4 75mmType11 75mmType88 75mmType3 80mmType99 88mmType14 10cmType3 12cmType10 12cmType5 15cmHo-103
Anti-Tank Guns Type97 20mmType1 37mmType94 37mmType1 47mmType5 75mmExperimental 10cmExperimental 10cm
Field Guns Type11 37mmType94 37mmType1 47mmType31 75mmType38 75mmType41 75mmType90 75mmType95 75mm
Howitzers Type92 70mmType14 10cmType91 10cmType38 12cmType4 15cmType38 15cmType96 15cm
Infantry & Mountain Guns Type1 37mm1Type92 70mmType31 75mmType41 75mmType99 10cm
Mortars Type98 50mmType11 70mmType3 81mmType97 81mmType99 81mmType94 90mmType97 90mmType2 12cmType93 15cmType95 15cmType96 15cmType97 15cmType98 32cm
Railroad Artillery Type90 24cm
Rocket Artillery Type4 20cmType4 40cm
Siege Artillery Type45 24cmType96 24cmType7 30cm
Land Vehicle Weapons
Vehicle Machine Guns Type91Type97Vickers Mk I
Mortars Type3 300mm
37mm Cannons Type94Type98Type100Type1
47mm Cannons Type97Type1
57mm Cannons Type90Type97
70mm Cannons Type95
75mm Cannons Type90Type99 (I/II)Type3Type5TypeGe
105mm Cannons Experimental Tank GunType91Experimental Anti-Tank Gun
150mm Cannons Type38Type96
Aircraft Weapons
Aircraft Machine Guns 7.7mm Type897.7mm Type9212.7mm Ho-10313mm Type 213.2mm Type3
Aircraft Cannons 20mm Ho-120mm Ho-520mm Type9930mm Ho-15530mm Type537mm Ho-20350mm Ho-40112cm Ho-60115cm Ho-701