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The Semovente da 75/18 su Scafo M. 42 is an Italian self-propelled gun developed on the Carro Armato Medio Mod. 42 medium tank. It fields the Obice da 75/18 modello 34 howitzer.

Flag of the Kingdom of Italy Italian Land Vehicles of the Second World War Flag of the Italian Social Republic
Tracked Vehicles
Light Tanks Light Tanks L. 21L. 30L. 35L. 38L. 40
Medium Tanks Medium Tanks M. 39M. 40M. 41M. 42
Cavalry Tanks Celere Sahariano
Heavy Tanks Heavy Tanks P. 40P. 43
Self-Propelled Guns Tank Destroyers Semovente L3 da 47/32Semovente L40 da 47/32Semovente da 75/32 M41Semovente da 75/34 M42MSemovente da 75/46 M42TSemovente da 90/53 M41
SPG Semovente da 75/18 M40Semovente da 75/18 M41Semovente da 75/18 M42Semovente da 105/25
SPH Semovente da 149/40Semovente Renault FT.17
Utility Transport & Towing Fiat 2800
Half-Tracked Vehicles
Towing Alfa-Romeo 800RETrattore Semicingolato Breda Typo 61Trattore Semicingolato Fiat 727
Wheeled Vehicles
Combat Armoured Cars Autoblinda 1ZMAutoblinda Modello 40Autoblinda Modello 41Autoblinda Modello 43Autoblinda Modello 611Autoblinda AS.43Autoblinda TerniAutoblinda LinceAutoblinda Vespa CaproniCamionetta AS.42 Sahariana
SPAA 20/65 Fiat-SPA 38R
SPG [[]]
Tank Destroyer 47/32 Fiat-SPA 38R
Utility Motocycles Guzzi 500 Alce
Transport & Towing Autoprotetto AS.37Autotrasporto blindato SPA Dovunque 35Camioncino Fiat 1100 Militare MusettoCamioncino Fiat 1100 ALR ColonialeCamioncino Fiat 1100 Militare MusoneFiat-SPA 38R