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The PPSh obr. 2 (abbreviated as PPSh-2) is a Soviet prototype submachine gun developed in 1942 as a cheap replacement for the PPSh-41.


The PPSh-2 began development in 1942 when an order for a compact, leightweight, and cheap submachine gun was placed by the Soviet military. The fire rate was to be lowered to 550 too.

Gyeorgij Shpagin began with his former PPSh-41 machine gun, multiple changes were made in addition to the major chassis redesign. The stock was now detachable, with an optional collapsible metal stock, and a pistol grip was implemented. The trigger mechanism was simplified, and the ability to fire in semi-automatic fire was removed as service reports of the PPSh-41 showed that most users fired in fully-automatic in short bursts.

The weapon entered trials against other weapons, including the PPS-42. The PPSh-2 fit the requirements, but multiple disadvantages were uncovered; the weapon was prone to blockages due to dust or excessive lubrication, especially in winter conditions, the compensator proved effective but the flash generated made it difficult to use from vehicles, and the detachable stock was said to be unreliable which may result in losing the stock during deployment.

The PPSh-2 was allowed to compete in the second stage of the trials if improved, but the second stage didn't commence due to wartime concerns so a choice had to be made. The PPSh-2 was discarded while the competing PPS-42 was chosen and became the PPS-43.


PPSh-41 — 56-A-134
Standard model.
Prototype lightweight model from 1942.
Prototype compact model from 1945.
PPSh-41 with Ts-3 night optic.
PPSh-41 (Curved Barrel)
PPSh-41 with curved barrel.
PPSh-41 (Detachable Stock)
PPSh-41 with detachable stock.


ZiD civilian model.
Semi-automatic civilian model in 9x19mm Parabellum.
Molot Oruzhie civilian model chambered in 7,62x25mm TT.
Molot Oruzhie civilian model.


Hungarian PPSh-41.
MP-562K PPSh
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant civilian air rifle.
M.P. 41(r)
German conversion in 9x19mm Parabellum.
M.P. 717(r)
German designation for captured PPSh-41s.
MPi 41
East German PPSh-41.
PM Md. 1952
Romanian PPSh-41.
Pietta civilian rifle.
American civilian rifle.
Flag of the Soviet Union (1936-1955) Soviet Union Warflag of the Red Army
Interwar Period & World War II (1919 - 1945)
Infantry Weapons
Melee Weapons Knives NR-40
Sidearms Pistols PK-27PP-28PR-39PT-29PV-39TKTT-30TT-33
Revolvers R-95
Close Quarters Shotguns TOZ-B
SMG PDM-42PPD-29PPD-31PPD-34 (/38)PPD-40PPD-42PPK-30PPK-33PPK-35PPK-41PPK-42PPS-42PPS-43PPSh-2PPSh-41 (NCurved BarrelDetachable Stock)PPSh-45PPT-27PPT-28PPT-30
Rifles Bolt-Action Rifles VM-91 (/10/30)K-38K-44MK-74SVM-91/30SVM-42
Semi-Automatic Rifles SKS-30SKS-31SKS-40SKS-41SKS-45SVT-38SKI-40SKK-44SKT-40SVT-40
Automatic Rifles AAK-44AFAB-44AI-44AK-33AK-44AK-45AKT-40AP-44AS-44ASh-44AT-44AVS-36AVT-40Kuzmischyeva
Machine Guns LMG DP-26DP-27 (M)DP-38LADMaxim-TokarevRPFD-21RPFD-22RPD-44
MMG DS-39SG-43
HMG PM-10DShK-38PS-7,62PS-14,5PV-1
Anti-Tank & Launchers Anti-Tank Rifle PTRBPTRD-41PTRK-31PTRR-39PTRRYeS-42PTRS-41
Rocket Launcher RPG-1
Grenade Launcher D'yakonovaKulakovRMN-50
Flare Gun OSP-30OSSh-42SPSh
Grenades Anti-Personnel Grenade F-1M1914M1914/30RG-41RG-42RGD-33
Chemical and Incendiary M1917 Chemical
Anti-Tank Grenade RPG-6RPG-40RPG-43
Smoke Grenade RDG-1
Incendiary Flamethrower ROKS-2ROKS-3
Launchers Ampulomet 1941
Mines Anti-Personnel Mine [[]]
Anti-Tank Mines TM-35TM-38TM-41TM-44TMB-1TMB-2TMSBTMD-40TMD-44TMD-B
Anti-Aircraft Guns 25mm 72-K37mm 61-K45mm 21-K76mm 3-K
Anti-Tank Guns 37mm 1-K45mm 19-K45mm 53-K45mm M-4257mm ZiS-2100mm BS-3100mm D-10
Field Guns 45mm 12-K45mm BG-1 (a)76mm 35-K76mm F-22 (USV)76mm M1902/3076mm ZiS-385mm D-4485mm U-10100mm BS-3107mm M1910/30107mm M-60122mm A-19
Howitzers 122mm M1909/37122mm M1910/30122mm M-30 (M)152mm D-1152mm NM152mm M-10152mm ML-21152mm M1909/30152mm M1910/37
Mountain Guns 76mm 76-0976mm GP-38
Mortars 37mm ML-4150mm RM-3850mm RM-4050mm RM-4150mm RM-82150mm UM-1-G82mm BM-37 (UCh)82mm BM-4182mm BM-4382mm BM-82107mm GVPM-38107mm KhM-107107mm M-107120mm PM-38 (UCh)120mm PM-41120mm PM-43160mm MT-13 (M)
Railroad Artillery [[]]
Regimental Guns 76mm M192776mm OB-25
Rocket Artillery [[]]
Fortress Artillery L-17
Siege Artillery 152mm B-10152mm B-30152mm Br-2152mm Br-19152mm M1910/30152mm M1910/34180mm Br-21203mm B-4210mm Br-17280mm Br-5280mm M1914/15305mm Br-18
Land Vehicle Weapons
Vehicle Machine Guns DT (M)TPF
20mm Cannons TNSh
37mm Cannons 5-K61-KB-3PS-1PS-2Sh-37ZiS-19
45mm Cannons 20-K
57mm Cannons F-31ZiS-2ZiS-4 (19411943)
76.2mm Cannons F-32F-34F-96L-7L-10L-11L-15KTModel 1902/30PS-3S-54ZiS-3ZiS-5
85mm Cannons D-5SD-5TS-31S-50ZiS-23ZiS-25ZiS-85 (PM)ZiS-S-53
95mm Cannons F-39
100mm Cannons D-10S (U)D-10T (22SG)S-34ZiF-24
107mm Cannons F-42ZiS-6ZiS-24
122mm Cannons A-19BL-9BL-13-1D-25-44TD-25SD-25S-44D-25T (A)D-30TM-30SS-26-1U-11
130mm Cannons B-13S-26S-70
152.4mm Cannons BL-10D-15NMM-10TML-20S
Aircraft Weapons & Munitions
Machine Guns DA (-2-4)PV-1ShKASSNShVAKUB
Cannons, ≤30mm B-20NS-23NS-23SShVAKVYa-23
Cannons, >30mm NS-37NS-45Sh-37
Rockets, H.E. ROFS-132RS-82RS-132
Rockets, A.P. BRS-82BRS-132
Bombs, A.P. PTAB
Bombs, G.P. FAB-50FAB-100FAB-250FAB-500FAB-1000FAB-2000FAB-5000
Bombs, H.E. RRAB-1RRAB-2RRAB-3
Bombs, I. AJ-2VAP-250
Naval Weapons & Munitions
Machine Guns [[]]
100mm Cannons B-24
130mm Cannons B-2-LMB-13B-28
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