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The Ob"yekt 277 is a Soviet heavy tank developed in the mid 1950s.


The Ob. 277 was developed in Lyeningrad by SKB-2 (of LKZ), under the leadership of chief designer Kotin Zh. Ya. in 1955 - 1958 on the basis of resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1498-837 of August 12, 1955 (orders of the Minister of Transport Engineering No. 134 of August 29, 1955 and No. 453 of September 2, 1955). The leading engineer of the vehicle was first Shashmurin N. F., and then Chistyakov N. M.. For the main weapon and the stabilization, the TsNII-173 was involved in the work (director - Zubovich, then Pogozhev I. I., chief designer Sadovsky B. D.), as well as Factories No. 172, No. 355 and No. 393, engine factory No. 800. The chassis and turrets for factory samples were produced by Izhorskij Factory and Mariupol'skim Factory.

It was planned to produce a prototype with a hull and a turret with the installation of weapons and stabilizer units for firing tests and factory tests in the fourth quarter of 1957 and two prototypes for field tests in the second quarter of 1958. The preliminary design of the tank in the STK GBTU was approved in the first quarter of 1956, the technical design with a full-size wooden layout, in December 1956. Working drawings for all parts of the vehicle were issued for the production of LKZ in the first quarter of 1957. In order to determine the optimal thicknesses and structural angles of the hull and turret of the tank, in March - June 1957, tests were conducted at the NIIBT firing range on the cast bow parts of the vehicle body and turret manufactured by the Mariupol'skim Factory.

In May 1957, an experimental turret with a 130mm M-65 and Groza-I stabilizer was assembled, which was installed on the T-10 tank and tested at the NIIBT training ground (shelling of the frontal parts of the hull and turret). At the same time together with the TsNII-173 and TsKB-393, the stabilization system was tested. According to the results of these tests, the LKZ made adjustments to the drawing and design documentation of the main components of the vehicle. At the request of the plant and the Leningrad SNKh, due to delays of the LKZ in the manufacture of prototypes of the tank, the Council of Ministers of the USSR by Resolution No. 609-294 of June 6, 1958, postponed the production dates of the vehicle: the hull and turret for firing, for the second quarter of 1958, two prototypes for field-military tests for the first quarter of 1959, and the prototype for factory tests for the third quarter of 1959. In July 1958, the prototype of the vehicle (hull and turret) was prepared for firing tests and sent to the NIIBT landfill. At the beginning of the tests, the need to make several changes to the body and replace the turret support pylons was revealed as the Izhorskij factory made them from a steel grade that did not meet the technical conditions. Although the hull for the correction and replacement of the pylons arrived at the LKZ in November 1958, the technical specification for carrying out these works entered production only at the beginning of March 1959. Then the body was again sent for shelling tests. On December 25, 1958, the second factory prototype sample (No. 5812B01) was assembled at the LKZ, which on January 7-24, 1959 passed a trial technological test with a mileage of 131km where the engine worked for 14 hours 24 minutes. As a result, several significant shortcomings were identified in the chassis, gearbox elements, control drive, charging mechanism, etc. After the defects were eliminated, this tank entered the factory tests.

During the first stage of trials (from April 19 to October 23, 1959), the effectiveness of the changes made to the power units of the vehicle was evaluated based on the results of technological running-in, and the first version of the Groza-I stabilization system with TPDS sight was tested. During this period, the tank passed 1378km where the engine worked for 97 hours and 33 minutes. Several defects reappeared, which required the alteration of some chassis components, and the loading mechanism, as well as the replacement of the TPDS sight and the Groza system. In LKZ the design documentation was reworked and issued for production in the first half of July 1959. All these changes were implemented in the prototype tank, which continued factory testing. Due to the backlog of the factory in the manufacture of two samples of the machine for military testing, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by Resolution No. 977-425 of August 22, 1959, established new deadlines for their production, the first quarter of 1960. At the second stage of testing (from December 1, 1959 to February 26 1960) a new TPD2S turret and engine were installed on the car, made according to the corrected drawing and technical documentation. From December 10 to December 20, the main weapon and stabilizer with a TPD2S sight were checked by shooting 66 shots. In addition, they studied the operation of the engine, transmission and relaxation hydroamortizers. During the test period, the tank passed 1,258km where its engine ran for 98 hours and 3 minutes. Movement during trials was carried out at the highest possible speeds. In connection with the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 744-310 of July 19, 1960, on the termination of work on experimental heavy tanks at the LKZ, the second stage of factory testing was not fully completed. According to the results of the trials where the tank drove 2870km and the gun was fired, in the OKBT in the first quarter of 1960, the documentation for the manufacture of landfill samples (No. 3 and No. 4) was adjusted. The assembly of these machines also began in the first quarter. By the end of the quarter, sample No. 3 was taken, which in the second quarter of 1960 was tested for torsiography of the power plant. Running tests were suspended until the production of a reinforced gearbox, but it was installed in the third quarter of the year in the factory sample (No. 2). In at the beginning of October 1960, this vehicle was handed over and sent to NIIBT together with the entire set of drawing and technical documentation. The third sample was also handed over and left for storage at the factory.

Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union
Land Vehicles
Cold War Period (1946 — 1990)
Tracked Vehicles
Light Tanks Light Tank 2S25 (M)T-54T-100
Light Tank, Amphibious Ob. 101Ob. 685Ob. 740Ob. 906
K-90PT-76 (A, B, M)PT-85PT-90R-39
Light Tank, Amphibious Command PT-76K
IFV Ob. 19Ob. 911Ob. 914
IFV, Amphibious Ob. 765 (Sp.1Sp.2Sp.3Sp.4Sp.8)Ob. 911
BMP-1 (1966196919731979PPG)BMP-2 (DM)BMP-3 (FFKFrKMM-3)
Medium Tanks MBT Ob. 139Ob. 140Ob. 167 (T)Ob. 430 (U)Ob. 450Ob. 640Ob. 785
T-54T-55 (64)T-62 (1960, 1972, 1975, D, D-1, K, KN, M, M-1, M1, M1-1, M1-2, M1-2-1, M1V, M1V-1, MD, MD-1, MK, MK-1, MV-1)T-64 (A, AK, B, B1, B1M, BM2, BV, R, T, U)T-67T-72 (A 1979A 1984AKAVBB 1989B 1990B1B2B3 2011B3 2014B3 2016T-72B3MBABUBVMM1M1MM1VSV)T-74T-80 (A 1982A 1984AKAKVB 1978B 1980BKBV 1985BVKBVM 2017M-1U 1986U 1992UE 1999UKUM 1995UM-1 1997UM-2UM2)T-90 (1992A 2006AKAMKM 2017MSSSK)T-95T-99
Command Tanks 446BT-64B1KT-64BKT-72 (AKB1KBKKM1KMK)T-90 (K)
Flamethrowing OT-54 (B)OT-55OT-62
Heavy Tanks Heavy Tank Ob. 240 (M) Ob. 277Ob. 279Ob. 770
IS-2 (MMK) • IS-3 (M)IS-4 (M)IS-7IS-8T-10
SPG ATGMV Ob. 150Ob. 287
SPAA Ob. 119Ob. 500Ob. 575
2S6 (MM1)2S389K359K379K330PT-76B with 9M14S-300ZSU-23-4 (VV1, M1M2M3M4M5)ZSU-37-2ZSU-57-2
SPATG Ob. 120
2S152S25 (M1)2S282S292S37ASU-57ASU-76ASU-85BTR-50PSU-85MSU-100SU-122-54
SPG 2S1M2S5 (MM1)2S7 (M)2S9 (-11M)2S112S132S17 (-2)2S222S23 (M)2S31 (YeM)2S34 (-1M)2S362S392S402S422S43ISU-152ObzhimkaT-62/160
SPH 9242A32A42S1 (M1)2S22S3 (MM1, M2M2-155M3)2S182S19 (MM1M1-155M2)2S212S262S272S302S33S-103
Self-Propelled Laser 1K17 Szhatie
SPM 2S42S82S102S12 (AB)2S242S41
SPRA 2P169P139BM-24TObject 280Object 634 (B)TOS-1TOS-1M (A)
Explosive Related Mine Laying GMZ-3
Mine Clearing / Sweeping BMR-3BMR-3M (A)UR-07UR-67UR-77
Misc Tanks Ammunition Carrier TZM-T
Bridge Laying MTU-72MTU-90
Command Ob. 773 (P)Ob. 774
Engineering & Maintenance BAT-2BMT-3BTM-4IMR-2IMR-3MIRMMDK-3MTP-1ZSU-57-2 BTS-55
Firefighting SPM
Observation, Spotting & Survey Ob. 767Ob. 779 (M)
Reconnaissance PT-76RKh
Transport & Towing BMO-TIT-1T
Wheeled Vehicles
Offensive / Defensive IFV BMPT-K-64VPK-7829Object 19
SPATGM 2P272P329P1109P1229P1249P1339P1379P148
SPBM 9P719P1179P120
SPH 2S27A-222
SPRA 2B52B172B26
Other APC BTR-40 (VBB (RKh)ZhD)BTR-60 (PPAPBPBM)BTR-70BTR-80BTR-90BTR-141BTR-7829GAZ-3937-11
Bridge Laying PP-2005PPS-84TMM-3TMM-6
Cargo GAZ-33097KamAZ-5350KamAZ-6350KamAZ-43501MAZ-4370MAZ-4570MAZ-5336MAZ-5337MAZ-5432MAZ-5433MAZ-5434MAZ-5442MAZ-5516MAZ-5551MAZ-6303MAZ-6317MAZ-6417MAZ-6422MAZ-6425MAZ-6430Ural-4320Ural-5323Ural-43206ZiL-4334
CP GA-39371
Crane KS-5571KS-5573KS-5576KS-6571
Decontamination Vehicle ARS-14KMTMS-65USSO
Dump Truck MAZ-7510
Engineering EOV-3521EOV-3523KamAZ-65225KS-3574M3MAZ-205MAZ-500 (A, SH)MAZ-501MAZ-503 (A)MAZ-509AMAZ-510MAZ-511MAZ-516BMAZ-525MAZ-529MAZ-530MAZ-5335MAZ-5334MAZ-5549MAZ-53352PBU-100
Firefighting Vehicle AA-60(543)-160AA-70(543)-172AA-60(7310)-160.01AA-60(7313) (160.01AA-60(7313)-220)
IMV GAZ-2975GAZ-3937GAZ-3937-10GAZ-233034GAZ-233036Iveco LMV
Medical BMM-80
Security Lavina-M
Smoke Generating Vehicle TDA-2KTDA-3
Transport & Towing 9T254MAZ-200 (V)MAZ-502MAZ-504 (ABG, SV)MAZ-508BMAZ-520MAZ-535 (A)MAZ-5429MAZ-7310MAZ-7904MAZ-7906MAZ-79221NAMI-020NAMI-021Ural-375ZiL-131
Utility MAZ-543 (A, M, P)MAZ-547MAZ-7907MAZ-7910MAZ-7912MAZ-7917MAZ-74106UAZ-452UAZ-469UAZ-3132UAZ-3163
Books Online Documents
Отечественные Бронированные Машины 1945-1965 гг. - Часть 1 - Легкие, средние и тяжелые танки, М. В. Павлов, И. В. Павлов (ISBN 978-5-85905-623-1)