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The KV-13 (Ob"yekt 233) is a Soviet prototype heavy tank developed in the early 1940s.


In March 1942, development of a "universal tank" to replace the T-34-76 and KV-1S would begin through SKB-2 under ChKZ. The design would make use of analysis of KV and T-34 tanks in service. Its weight was to not exceed 32 tons, and the main gun was to be the 76.2mm ZiS-5.

In September 1942, NKTP No. 100 manufactured a prototype vehicle. A second variant was proposed, but not built.

In October 1942, tests were undertaken and a number of shortcomings were found:

  • Low reliability of the engine, transmission, and chassis.
  • Ineffective crew compliment.
  • Poor off-road performance.

In December 1942, NKTP No. 100 manufactured two more prototypes. The crew was increased to four, and the main gun was replaced with the F-34. The armour was almost doubled, resulting in a new weight of 39.5 tons. These two prototypes would not be completed until February 1943, due to concurrent development with the KV-14.

In February 1943, GBTU ordered the two prototypes to be the basis for the new IS project, becoming Ob. 233IS and Ob. 234IS.


Prototype ???.
KV-1 obr. 1939g.
KV-1 obr. 1940g.
KV-1 obr. 1941g.
KV-1 obr. 1942g.
Model with new turret and armed with a 152mm gun.
KV-220 — Ob. 220 / T-220 / KV-4
Prototype with new turret and 85mm gun.
KV-221 — Ob. 221
Prototype ???.
KV-222 — Ob. 222
Prototype ???.
KV-3 — Ob. 223
Prototype ???.
KV-4 — Ob. 224
Prototype ???.
KV-5 — Ob. 225
Prototype ???.
KV-6 — Ob. 226
Chemical tank ???.
KV-7 — Ob. 227
Prototype ???.
KV-8 — Ob. 228
Flamethrower tank.
KV-8S — Ob. 235
Flamethrower tank.
KV-9 — Ob. 229
Prototype ???.
KV-10 — Ob. 230 / KV-1K
Prototype ???.
KV-11 — Ob. 231
Prototype ???.
KV-12 — Ob. 232
Prototype ???.
KV-13 — Ob. 233
Prototype for the IS series.
IS-1 — Ob. 233IS
Prototype for the IS series.
KV-13 — Ob. 234
Prototype for the IS series.
IS-2 — Ob. 234IS
Prototype for the IS series.
SU-152 — Ob. 236 / KV-14
KV-85 — Ob. 239
Prototype with 85mm gun.
KV-85G — Ob. 238
Prototype with 85mm gun.
Ob. 218
KV-2 with 45mm main gun and minesweeping equipment.
Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union
Land Vehicles
Interwar & World War II Period (1919 — 1945)
Tracked Vehicles
Light Tanks Tankettes PPGT-17T-21T-23T-27
Standard Light Tanks GAZ-70LTGLTPLTTBNIObj. 211Obj. 217T-18 (M)T-26 (193119321933193719381939-1-4)T-30T-45T-50T-53T-60 (12ZiS-19)T-70 (M)T-80T-118TT-126T-127
Amphibious Light Tanks PT-1 (A)T-5PChT-36T-37 1933T-37 1934T-38T-39T-40T-41T-43 (-1-2)TM
Flamethrower & Chemical Light Tanks KhBT-7OT-7OT-26OT-130OT-131OT-132OT-133OT-134
Remote Controlled Light Tanks TTBT-7TT-26TU-26
Utility Light Tanks BT-DTSBT
Cavalry/Fast Tanks Ob. A-8Ob. A-20
BDT-1BT-1BT-2BT-2ISBT-3BT-4BT-5 (AISPKh)BT-6BT-7 (M)BT-20D-38MT-25T-46
Command Light Tanks BT-TUKBT-7T-26PT
Medium Tanks Standard Medium Tanks Ob. A-20Ob. A-32Ob. A-34Ob. A-43Ob. A-44
KV-13T-22T-24T-28 (193219341938E 19381940)T-29T-34 (GKS)T-43T-44T-112
Flamethrowing Medium Tanks OT-28OT-34OT-34-85
Heavy Tanks Standard Heavy Tanks Ob. 103Ob. 220Ob. 221Ob. 222Ob. 223Ob. 224Ob. 225Ob. 226Ob. 227Ob. 228Ob. 229Ob. 230Ob. 231Ob. 232Ob. 233 (IS)Ob. 234 (IS)Ob. 235Ob. 237Ob. 238Ob. 239Ob. 240 (M)Ob. 244Ob. 245Ob. 248Ob. 252Ob. 253
IS-1IS-2IS-3IS-4IS-5IS-6IS-7KV-1 (19391940E 194019411942S 1942)KV-3KV-4KV-5KV-7KV-9KV-10KV-11KV-85 (G)KV-100KV-122KV-220KV-221KV-222Ob. 100SMKT-32T-35-1T-35-2T-35AT-35BT-39T-100 (Z)T-150U-14
Flamethrowing Heavy Tanks KV-8KV-8S KV-8MKV-12
Self-Propelled Guns SPAA GAZ-72SU-8SU-11SU-17SU-72T-60-ZT-70-ZT-90ZSU-37ZUT-37
SPATG Ob. 242Ob. 243Ob. 249Ob. 251
GAZ-71ISU-122 (-1-2-3S)KhTZ-16OSU-76SU-26SU-31SU-71SU-76 (M)SU-76iSU-85 (M)SU-85iSU-85BSU-100SU-101SU-102SU-122PSU-122-44ZiS-30
SPG Ob. 212Ob. 236Ob. 241 (KM)Ob. 246Ob. 247Ob. 250
BT-5ABT-5ATBT-7AISU-130ISU-152 (-1-2)KV-2KV-14Ob. 212OSU-76SU-1SU-3SU-6SU-7SU-10SU-14-2SU-18SU-45SU-100-YSU-122 (-3M)SU-130SU-152SU-212T-26-4
SPH AT-1S-51SU-2SU-5 (-1-2-3)SU-14
SPRA BM-8-24KV-10RBT-5
Miscellaneous Bridge-related IT-26IT-28ST-26
Prime Movers BT-5PBT-20 KomsomoletsT-26TT-26T2
Half-Tracked Vehicles
Combat Armoured Cars BA-30BA-64Z
Utility Transport Autocar 2½-ton HalftrackB-3GAZ-60M2 HalftrackM5 HalftrackNATI-3ZiS-22ZiS-33ZiS-35ShZiS-42ZiS-42M
Wheeled Vehicles
Combat Armoured Cars BA-IBA-3BA-5BA-6 (M)BA-9BA-10 (M)BA-11 (D)BA-20BA-21BA-27 (M)BA-64BA-NATIBADBAD-2D-8D-12D-13FA-2FAI (M)GAZ-TKPB-4PB-7LB-23LB-62
Railroad Armoured Cars BA-6 ZhDBA-10 ZhD (M)BA-20 ZhDBA-64 ZhDBAD-2 ZhDFAI ZhD
SPATG KSP-76SD-57 (N)ZiS-31
SPH SU-1-12SU-12
SPRA BM-13-16
Utility APC BA-64E
Medical BA-22
Motorcycles BSA-M20
Transport GAZ-63
Trailers KP-42KP-43
Books Online Documents
• Отечественные Бронированные Машины - ХХ век - Том 2, 1941-1945. А.Г. Солянкин, М.В. Павлов, И.В. Павлов, И.Г. Желтов, 2005 (ISBN 5-94038-074-3)