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The Kampfwagen für Ausland mit verstärkter Panzerung, 4,5cm K L/50 und 2 MG also known as mittlerer Kampfwagen für Ausland (abbreviated as m.K.A.), was a German tank project that intended to create a medium tank for export. The vehicle was planned to be better than other vehicles that were available at the time, such as the Renault R35 or Vickers 6-ton Tank.


On 5 October 1936, the mittlerer Kampfwagen für Ausland (mKA) was mentioned in a meeting in Essen with Müller and Wölfert. The leichter Kampfwagen für Ausland (l.K.A.) would be developed to attempt to mount a 2cm gun and an MG in the same turret. The m.K.A. was to be an off-shoot of the l.K.A.

In a Kriegsmaterial Abteilung fiscal year report dated 1 October 1936 to 30 September 1937, Krupp stated that development had started on Auslands-Kampfwagen (tanks for foreign sale). These vehicles were to be lighter than vehicles developed for the German Army, as weight was considered an issue with exporting vehicles.

By 5 February 1937, Krupp changed their plans for the Auslands-Kampfwagen. The following vehicles were planned;

  1. l.K.A. 1: a 4.5t light tank with two machine guns, named M.G. K.A.
  2. l.K.A. 2: a 5.2t light tank with a 2cm cannon and one machine gun, named 2cm K.A.
  3. A variant of the l.K.A. 2 with thicker armour, weighing 7t. Named 2cm K.A.v.
  4. m.K.A.: a 7t medium tank, armed with a 4,5cm Kanone and two machine guns, named 4,5cm K.A.
  5. A variant of the m.K.A. with thicker armour, weighing 10t. Named 4,5cm K.A.v.
  6. s.K.A.: a heavy tank weighting 14t, armed with a 7,5cm Kanone and two machine guns. Named 7,5cm K.A.

On 17 March 1937, the changes made were confirmed in the forms below:

Type Engine Armament Armour
M.G. K.A.
(l.K.A. 1)
V8 air-cooled
Kp 85 PS
2 MG 13 Normal
2cm K.A.
(l.K.A. 2)
V8 air-cooled
Kp 85 PS
2cm MG
1 MG 13
2cm K.A.v. V8 air-cooled
Kp 130 PS
2cm MG
1 MG 13
4,5cm K.A.
V8 air-cooled
Kp 130 PS
4,5cm K.
2 MG 13
4,5cm K.A.v. 300 PS 4,5cm K.
2 MG 13
7,5cm K.A.
300 PS 7,5cm K.
2 MG 13

Each two vehicles were planned to share the same chassis. Stronger engines were considered if needed, a 90hp water-cooled Ford V8 was available for the l.K.A., with a water-cooled Maybach engine for the m.K.A. The engine for the s.K.A. was not chosen.

Armament discussions regarding the 4,5cm and 7,5cm Kanone resulted in the proposal for their muzzle velocity to be about 500m/s, the reasoning behind this was that combat ranges would rarely be over 1000m, and sufficient penetration can be expected from such a velocity within said range. Single-shot weaponry was also considered, due to the shortage of space inside the turret.

On 28 April 1937, the production plan was changed again during a meeting on the Kampfwagen Ausland Programm, attended by Hageloch, Müller, and Wölfert:

Type Weight
Armament Armour Max. Speed
M.G. K.A.
(l.K.A. 1)
4.5 90/100 2 x MG 13 normal 50
2cm K.A.
(l.K.A. 2)
5.5 90/100 1 x 2cm MG (Rhm)
1 x MG 13
normal 50
4,5cm K.A.v. (m.K.A.) 11-12 180/200 1 x 4,5cm K.
2 x MG 13
thicker 40
2,5cm K.A.v. (K.A.v.) 7 130 1 x 2,5cm Tankbüchse
1 x MG 13
thicker 40
7,5cm K.A. (s.K.A.) 16-18 300 1 x 7,5cm K.
2 x MG 13
normal 35

The meeting also discussed the proposed deadlines. The design work of the vehicle was to be completed by December 1937, and a test vehicle completed by June 1938. There was a 180/200HP Maybach engine that was being considered, however the Waffenamt hadn't released information about it at the time. Another meeting was to be held in October to discuss the future of the K.A.v. and the s.K.A. and whether they are to be built. Sketches were to be completed by 1 July 1937. The s.K.A. was considered to expensive for export. Trials of the engines available were to take place as well, in a dummy with the same conditions equivalent to use in a tank. The following names were given to the vehicles being produced for simplicity in the manufacturing firms;

  • L10 for the M.G. K.A. (l.K.A. 1)
  • L20 for the 2cm K.A. (l.K.A. 2)
  • M10 for the 4,5cm K.A.v. (m.K.A.)

The names that contained the weaponry (ex: 2cm K.A.) as opposed to the other names (ex: l.K.A. 2) were to be kept for correspondence with the Waffenamt and foreign nations.

On 3 June 1937, the characteristics of the m.K.A. were finalized (information is in the infobox above and to the right)

On 17 June 1937, Wa Prüf 6 decided that Krupp's design bureau (Krupp Konstruktionsbuero) was to be maintained at current size, but they were not given design contracts. Design work was to continue on the export vehicles, however it was decided whether they would be released for export, or it may be presented to the German Army for possible adoption. Oberstleutnant Phillips stated that Wa Prüf 6, like other Waffen Prüfen, supports development of products intended for export, and that they have no objections releasing the new motor to Krupp.

On 21 June 1937, Hageloch, Müller, and Wölfert met and decided that work would start and continue on the m.K.A. until further contracts were received by Wa Prüf 6. They decided to find another engine in case the engine from Maybach wasn't released. Completion of the first chassis was considered possible for March 1938.

On 10 August 1937, Hageloch and Wölfert met with Oberstleutnant Phillips, head of Wa Prüf 6, to discuss the release of the Maybach HL 76 motor.

On 31 August 1937, Wa Prüf 6 advised Krupp that due to the long period of which the Maybach HL 76 is not ready, the Maybach D.S.O. 8 motor rated at 155hp @ 2600rpm is recommended in its place.

On 4 October 1937, Krupp started developing a 45mm semi-automatic cannon with an L/50 (2.250m) barrel length. The gun weighed 1,385kg, it had a muzzle velocity of 750m/s. Armour penetration was 40mm @ 1000m/90°. Design of the cannon were to be completed by 20 October 1937, turret design completed by March 1938, and a turret produced by 1 August 1938.

On 7 October 1937, the Heereswaffenamt sent Krupp a list of restrictions on the design of tanks for export purposes.

  1. Only a straight monocular or fixed angular telescopic gunsight (such as the Ceha - telescope from Askania), or a periscope gunsight without removable head can be used.
  2. Slip ring contacts are allowable for conducting electricity to the turret.
  3. Visors for vision ports can have internal hinges but cannot have overlapping edges exceeding 1mm wide. Additional locks are not to be used.
  4. Rigidly mounted protective glass up to 12mm thick is allowed behind the vision slits. The slits are to be cut into flat visor plates and are not allowed to be less than 5.5mm wide. External ridges to protect the vision slits are to be sloped at less than 4 degrees.
  5. Sealing frames for the visors are not to have rubber inserts. Armour plates for covering the vision slits are not to be delivered.
  6. The detailed design of the gun mantle is to be presented for approval on a case-by-case basis. It can be patterned after the first model of the gun mantle for the PzKpfw I.
  7. Rigidly mounted rod antenna without springs or rigid frame antenna are allowable.
  8. If a radio is requested, expanding rubber stripes are allowable in the mounting.
  9. All types of hinges are to be made out of normal steel, not armour.
  10. It is allowable to use the model of traversing gear for the PzKpfw I. Steel cables are to be used as a connecting linkage for firing the machineguns.
  11. Only a single ball-bearing race can be used for the turret mounting.
  12. Only normal bolts with heads or countersunk can be used.
  13. The turret design must be either round with 10 degree sloping sides or a symmetrical truncated pyramid shape.
  14. The German model for mounting an anti-aircraft machinegun is not to be used.

End of Development & Trial Model[]

On 9 October 1937, Oberstleutnant Phillips sent a letter to Krupp about their decision to not approve the 4,5cm K.A.v. (m.K.A.) design for export. The reasoning was the armour plates armour plates thicker than 13mm (to protect against armour piercing 7.92mm rounds), and the engine compartment and cooling system closely match the latest methods used for the latest tanks fielded by the German Army, of which proved difficult and was costly to develop.

On 1 February 1938, Hageloch, Müller, and Wölfert of Krupp met to discuss the status of the trial vehicles. They decided that they would continue development on the trials, ignoring the previous message from the Waffenamt. The road wheel mounts were to be designed like the l.K.A. 2, however the patent application for the m.K.A. roadwheels mounts were to be declared secret, as requested by the Waffenamt.

The gun needs to be completed and fired by the 1st of September 1938, the trial vehicle without a turret is to be completed in September 1938, and the turret completed by December 1938. The vehicle was tested in early 1939, with good results. The turret for the K.A.v. started production in late 1939, but it is unknown whether it was completed.

The vehicle did not enter production, and Krupp moved on to other projects.

Flag of Germany (1935 to 1945) Germany (Deutsches Reich) War Flag of Germany (1938-1945)
Land Vehicles
1919 - 1945
Tracked Vehicles
Light Tanks Light Tanks E 10kl.Tr (A.H.)kl.Tr. Fgst.Nr.8000kl.Tr.l.K.A.1l.K.A.2l. Pz.Kpfw. z.V.g.E.u.Lz. m. 5,5cm I (ABCD)Pz.Kpfw. II (abcABCDEFGHJLM)Pz.Kpfw. 35(t)Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) (ABCDEFGSnA)Pz.Kpfw. 38 DPz.Kpfw. LeopardPz.Kpfw. T-15Pz.Kpfw. T-21Pz.Kpfw. T-22Pz.Kpfw. T-23VAE 393VK6.01VK6.02VK9.01VK9.02VK9.03VK13.03VK16.01VK16.02
Amphibious Light Tanks Pz.Kpfw. II (Schwimm)Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) (Schwimm)
Flamethrower Light Tanks Fl.Pz. I AFl.Pz. II AFl.Pz. II B
Command Light Tanks Führungs-Fahrzeug auf Pz.Kpfw. 731(r)Pz.Bfw. I (A (early)A (mid)A (late)BB RahmenantenneB für Sd.Kfz.300/303)Pz.Bfw. 35(t)
Medium Tanks Medium Tanks B.W. I(Rh)B.W. I(K)B.W. II(K)E 50gr.Tr.(DB)gr.Tr.(K)gr.Tr.(Rh)K.A.v.m.K.A.Mw.Pz.Nb.Pz.Kpfw. IVPz.Kpfw. 740(f)Pz.Kpfw. III (ABCDEE+FF+GG+HJKLMN)Pz.Kpfw. III/IVPz.Kpfw. IV (ABCDEF1F2GHJW1462)Pz.Kpfw. Panther (DAGFIIV1V2)VK20.01(Rh)VK24.01VK28.01(K)VK30.01(DB)VK30.01(H)VK30.01(MAN) (V1V2)VK30.01(P)VK30.02Z.W. (38394041V1V3V4)
Amphibious Medium Tanks T.Pz. III (BFGHPz.Bfw. III H)T.Pz. IVT.Stu.G. IIIU.-T.Fz.
Command Medium Tanks Pz.Bfw. III (D1EGH (early)H (late)KM)Pz.Bfw. IV (HJ)Pz.Bfw. V DPz.Bfw. V D mit Pz.Kpfw. IV H TurmPz.Bfw. V APz.Bfw. V GPz.Kpfw. III (Fu) JPz.Kpfw. III (Fu) LPz.Kpfw. III (Fu) NT.Pz.Bfw. III H
Flamethrower Medium Tanks Fl.Pz. III MFl.Pz. 38 (t)Fl.Pz. 740(f)
Heavy Tanks Standard Heavy Tanks D.W. ID.W. IIE 75E 100I.w.L.K.LK P.1000LK P.1500Pz.Kpfw. I FPz.Kpfw. Tiger (H1H2E)Pz.Kpfw. Tiger IIPz.Kpfw. VIIPz.Kpfw. Maus (Maus II)s.K.A.Typ 205 (/1/2)Typ 245VK18.01VK30.01(H)VK30.01(P)VK36.01(H)VK45.01(P)VK45.01(H)VK45.02(H)VK45.02(P1)VK45.02(P2)VK45.03(H)VK65.01(H)VK70.01(K)VK72.01VK100.01(K)VK100.01(P)VK130.01(K)
Command Heavy Tanks Pz.Bfw. VIPz.Bfw. VI(P)
Self-Propelled Guns SPAA 2cm FlaK 38 auf RSO3cm MK 103 auf Typ 2455cm FlaK 41 auf VK16.025cm FlaK 41 auf VK28.015cm Gerät auf VK16.025cm Gerät auf VK28.015,5cm Gerät 58 Z. auf W.T.5,5cm MK 122 auf Typ 2458,8cm FlaK 37 auf Pz.Kpfw. IV8,8cm FlaK 41 auf Pz.Kpfw. IV8,8cm FlaK 41 (Sfl.) Panther I8,8cm Pz.Fla.K. v. RheinmetallFlak.Pz. IFlak.Pz. IIFlak.Pz. IV KugelblitzFlak.Pz. MöbelwagenFlak.Pz. IV Ostwind (II)Flak.Pz. IV WirbelwindFlak.Pz. ZerstörerFlak.Pz. 38 (t)Flak.Pz. 38 DFlak.Pz. 554Flak.Pz. 747(r)gep.Sfl. f. Fla.K. 41l. Pz.Kpfw. z.V.g.E.u.Lz. m. 5,5cm mit Vierling 2cm
SPATG 3,7cm (Sfl.) auf Hanomag-Schlepper4,7cm PaK 36(t) (Sf) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen I4,7cm Pa.K. 38 (t) auf Pz.Kpfw. 731 (r)4,7cm PaK 181(f) auf Panzerjäger LrS(f)4,7cm PaK 183(f) auf Pz.Jgr. Lr.S.(f)5cm PaK 38 auf Fgst. Pz.Kpfw. II7,5cm PaK 40/4 auf RSO7,5cm PaK 42 auf VK9.037,5cm PaK 97/38(f) auf Pz.Kpfw. 740(r)8,8cm PaK 43/1 auf G.W. III/IV10,5cm K 18 auf Pz.Kpfw. IVa12,8cm K 43 auf Gerät 5-121312,8cm K 43 auf Pz.Kpfw. Panther8,8cm PaK 43 auf l.Eh.W.T.E 25JPz. 38 DJ.Pz. 38J.Pz. 38 mit 10,5cm StuH 42J.Pz. 38 mit 7,5cm L/70J.Pz. 38 StarrJ.Pz. IV L/43J.Pz. IV L/48J.Pz. IVbJPz. Jagdpantherl.Tr. (Rh)L.S.K.Marder I LrSMarder I FCM-36Marder I 39HMarder II 75mmMarder II 76.2mmMarder IIIMarder III Ausf. HMarder III Ausf. MPz. IV lang(E)Pz. IV/70(A)Pz. IV/70(V)Pz.Jgr. 38 mit Pz.Kpfw. IV TurmPz.Jgr. FerdinandPz.Jgr. ElefantPz.Jgr. Tiger B(H)Pz.Jgr. Tiger B(P)Pz.Jgr. Tiger B mit 8,8cm PaK 43/3Pz.Jgr. Tiger B mit 12,8cm PaK L/66Pz.Kpfw. mit 7,5cm StuK 40Pz.kl.Z.Pz.Sfl. f. 12,8cm K 40Typ 245/2Typ 250Typ 255s.kl.Pz.Kpfw. mit 10cm PAWs.kl.Pz.Kpfw. mit 10,5cm leFH 43 und 3cm MK 108W.T. 8,8cm Krupp-ArdeltW.T. 8,8cm Rhm.-BorsigW.T. 8,8cm SteyrVK70.02(P)
SPG 7,7cm Kanone auf Hanomag-Schlepper12,8cm Kanone 43 Gerät 5-1211 Krupp15cm sIG 33 auf Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) MGerät 5-1530Gerät 5-1528Gw. TigerPz.Sfl. IIIStu.H. 42Stu.IG 33Stu.G. LeopardStu.G. III (ABCDEFF/8GL/70)Stu.G. IVStu.G. E 75Stu.G. E 100Stu.G. 853(i)Stu.H.Stu.Pz.Tauch-Stu.G. III
SPH 10,5cm leFH 18/3 Gw. 740(f)10,5cm leFH 16/18 (Sf) auf Geschützwagen FCM-36(f)10,5cm leFH 18 (Sf) auf Geschützwagen LrS(f)10,5cm leFH 18/1 auf Geschützwagen IVb10,5cm leFH 18/40/2 auf Geschützwagen III/IV10,5cm leFH 18/6 auf Geschützwagen III/IV10,5cm leFH 43 auf Typ 24515cm sFH 13 (Sf) auf Geschützwagen LrS(f)15cm schweres Feldhaubitze 18/4 Gerät 81115cm sIG 33 (Sfl) auf Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf.B15cm sIG 33B (Sfl) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. HSturmpanzer 38 (t)Wespe
SPM 8cm schwerer Granatwerfer 34 auf Panzerspähwagen AMR-35(f)30,5cm L/16 auf Sfl. Bär30,5cm Mörser M 16 auf Sturmpanzer IVGerät 040Gerät 041Panzermörser 35(t)Sturmpanzer VI Sturmtiger
SPRA Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. C mit schweres Wurfgerät 41 28-32cmRaketenwerfer Panther
Explosive Related Remote Controlled Explosives GoliathSpringer
Demolition Carriers Borgward IIIBorgward IV
Mine Laying Ladungsleger auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf. ALadungsleger auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf. BLadungsleger II
Mine Clearing Alkett Vs.Kfz. 617 MinenräumerBorgward IBorgward IIKrupp Räumer SMinenräumer IIIMineräumpanzer IVMinenräumwagen 1.2.
Misc Tanks Ammunition Carriers Gw.II f. Mun.Gw.III/IV f. Mun.Gw.38 f. Mun. KMunitionspanzer IIIMunitionspanzer für SturmpanzerVK3.01VK3.02VK5.01
Armoured Recovery Bergepanther (DAG)Bergepanzer 38 DBergepanzer 38(t)Berg.Pz. 748(a)Bergepanzer IBergepanzer II Ausf. JBergepanzer II LuchsBergepanzer IIIBergepanzer IVBergepanzer VI(P)VKz35.01
Bridge Laying Br. I ABr. II BBr. IV CBr. IV DBrückenmaterialträgerSturmstegpanzer IV
Engineering & Maintenance Instandsetzungskraftwagen IPi.Pz.Kpfw. IPi.Pz.Kpfw. III
Training Vehicles PzKpfw I A o AufbauPzKpfw I B o AufbauFahrschulpanzer VFahrschulpanzer VIFahrschulpanzer 740(f)
Transport & Towing Raupenschlepper Ost
Rail Tanks Schienenkampfwagen 1
Ramming & Land / Snow Clearance Ramschaufelpanzer PantherVK45.01(P) mit Rammhaube
Recon & Observation Art.-Pz.Beobw. PantherAufkl. 38 D (2cm)Aufkl. 38 D (7,5cm)Aufkl.Pz. 38(t) (2cm)Aufkl.Pz. 38(t) (7,5cm)Aufkl.Pz. (5,5cm)Aufkl.Pz. PantherAufklärungsfarhzeug Auto UnionBoeb.Pz.Wg. IIKugelpanzerPanzer-Aufklärer auf 38(t)Pz.Beobw. IIPzBeobw IIIPzBeobw IV JPzBeobw V DPzSpw II (2cm)Panzerspähwagen II (5cm)Vollkettenaufklärer 38(t)
Half-Tracked Vehicles
Offensive / Defensive SPAA 2cm Fla.K. 30 auf Fgst. le.Zgkw. 1t2cm Fla.K. 38 auf Fgst. le.Zgkw. 1t2cm Fla.K. 38 (Sf.) auf le.Zgkw. 1t2cm Fla.K. 38 Vierling (Sf.) auf m.Zgkw. 8t3,7cm Fla.K. 43/1 auf Sfl. s.W.S.5cm Fla.K. 41 (Sf.) auf m.Zgkw 5t8,8cm Fla.K. 18 (Sfl.) auf s.Zgkw 12t8,8cm Fla.K. 37 (Sfl.) auf s.Zgkw 18t
Armoured Recon le.S.P.W. (2cm)le.S.P.W. (3,7cm) aAle.S.P.W. (3,7cm) nAPz.Spw. RK A
Fire Support le.S.P.W. (7,5cm)le.S.P.W. (s.Pz.B. 41)
SPM 8cm R-vielfachwerfer auf Fahgestell S 303(f)leichter Schützenpanzerwagen (schwerer Granatwerfer)mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen S307(f)
SPRA 8cm R.W. auf Fgst. S303(f)8cm Reihenwerfer auf Fahgestell S303(f)
SPATG 5cm PaK 38 (Sf) auf leichter Zugkraftwagen 1t7,5cm PaK 40 (Sf) auf Fahrgestell S 307(f)8,8cm FlaK 18 (Sf) auf schwerer Zugkraftwagen 12t8,8cm FlaK 37 (Sfl.) auf schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18tleichter Schützenpanzerwagen mit Sfl 5cm PaK 38 L/60Panzerjäger S307(f) mit 7,5cm PaK 40 L/46
Utility Ammunition Carriers (AB)
Command le.Beob.Pz.Wg. n.A.
Communication & Cable Related kl.Kett.Krad. f. Fe.Kab.kl.Kett.Krad. f. s.Fe.Kab.leichter Fernsprechpanzerwagenleichter Funkpanzerwagen
Engineering m.S.P.W. (Pi)
Observation, Spotting & Survey leichter gepanzerter Beobachtungskraftwagenleichter Beobachtungspanzerwagen Altele.Messtrupp-Pz.Wg.m.S.P.W. (IR)
Transport & Towing gepanzerter Transportkraftwagen P380(f)kl.Kett.Kradleichter Schützenpanzerwagen Seriesleichter Schützenpanzerwagen Altele.S.P.W. n.A.le.S.P.W. U304(f)le.Zgkw 1tle.Zgkw 3tle.Zgkw S307(f)m.gep.Zgkw S303(f)m.Zgkw 5tm.Zgkw 8tS.P.W. M2(a)S.P.W. M3(a)s.Zgkw 12ts.Zgkw 18tZgkw P302(b)Zgkw P302(f)Zgkw P304(f)
Wheeled Vehicles
Offensive / Defensive Armoured Cars ARWgep.Kw.l.MG.Kw.l.Pz.Spw. (2cm) Al.Pz.Spw. (2cm) Bl.Pz.Spw. (MG)l.Pz.Spw. (4 Rad) (Tp.)MG.Kw.Pz.Spw. 202(i)Panzerspähwagen Škoda PA-II 4-rads.Pz.Spw. (2cm)s.Pz.Spw. (5cm)s.Pz.Spw. (6rad)s.Pz.Spw. (7,5cm K 37)s.Pz.Spw. (7,5cm K 51)s.Pz.Spw. (7,5cm K L/48)s.Pz.Spw. (7,5cm PaK 40)ZRW
SPAA 2cm Fla.K. 30 auf Volkswagen Schwimmwagen Type L4500A mit 3,7cm Fla.K. 36Sfl. auf Fgst. VOMAG 7 OR 660 mit 8,8cm Fla.K. 36
Other Command Kfz. 14Kfz. 15kl.Pz.Fw. A (AB)le.Fu.Kw.le.Pz.Spw. (Fu.)(AB)Pz.Fw. (6 Rad)Pz.Fw. (8 Rad)Pz.Spw. PA-II (Fu.) (4 Rad) (Fu.)
Fire Fighting Obel Blitz 1,0t KzS
Kitchen l.Meßtrupp.Kw.m.Meßtrupp.Kw.Obel Blitz 3,0t Küchenwagen
Medical San.ger.Kw.
Motocycles BMW R17BMW R68BMW R71BMW R75DKW NZ 350FN M12Gillet Herstal 720 ABGnome-Rhône AX IINimbusZündapp DB 200Zündapp DBK 200Zündapp K 800Zündapp KS 600Zündapp KS 750
Transport & Towing Adler 10NAdler 12N 3GAdler 12N RWAdler 3GDAdler V40TAdler W61ADTKBMW 3/15 PSBMW 3/20 PSBMW 309BMW 315BMW 319Borgward 5 tBorgward B 3000 ABorgward B 3000 ABorgward Europa VBorgward L 2000 SBorgward L 2300Borgward Typ 3 t Benzin G.W.Borgward Typ 3 t Diesel G.W.Ford BBFord EGaFord EGbFord EGdFord EG Typ 40Ford G198TWAFord G388TSFord G398TSFord G917TFord G987TFord G997TFord V 3000AFord V 3000SFord V 3000S/SSM MaultierFord V8 G48Ford V8 G78Ford V8-51gp.Kw.Hanomag 3/16 PSHanomag 4/20 PSHanomag 4/23 PSHanomag GarantHanomag RekordHorch Typ 1a Kfz.15Horch Typ 1a Kfz. 21Horch 830BHorch 830RHorch 901Krupp 320 Model 1939Mercedes-Benz DB s 7Mercedes-Benz DB s 8Mercedes-Benz DB L 5Mercedes-Benz DB L 7Mercedes-Benz DB L 8Mercedes-Benz DB m 8Mercedes-Benz DB 9Mercedes-Benz DB 10Mercedes-Benz G3aMercedes-Benz LG63Mercedes-Benz LG65/3Mercedes-Benz LG65/4Mercedes-Benz LG3000Mercedes-Benz Lo2000Mercedes-Benz Lo2500Mercedes-Benz Lo2750Mercedes-Benz Lo3750Mercedes-Benz L701Mercedes-Benz L1500AMercedes-Benz L1500EMercedes-Benz L1500SMercedes-Benz L3000Mercedes-Benz L3000AMercedes-Benz L3000SMercedes-Benz L3750Mercedes-Benz L4500AMercedes-Benz L4500RMercedes-Benz L4500SMercedes-Benz L6500Mercedes-Benz L10000Mercedes-Benz Admiral KastenwagenOpel 1,2L pritscheOpel 1,2L kastenlieferwagenOpel 2,0L pickupOpel 2,0L gas generator pickupOpel 10Opel P4 KastenlieferwagenOpel-Blitz gas generatorOpel-Blitz 1,0tOpel-Blitz 1,0t omnibusOpel-Blitz 1,0t KastenwagenOpel-Blitz 2,5t-32Opel-Blitz 2,5tOpel-Blitz 2,5t omnibusOpel-Blitz 3,0t ombibusOpel-Blitz 3,6t-36SOpel-Blitz 3,6t-36SSMOpel-Blitz 3,6-47 omnibusOpel-Blitz 3,6-47 Wehrmacht omnibusOpel-Blitz 3,6-6700AOpel-Olympia OL38Saurer RR-7schwerer Einheits PKW (FernsprechkraftwagenFlakkraftwagenFunkkraftwagenMannschaftskraftwagenProtzkraftwagenScheinwerferkraftwagen IScheinwerferkraftwagen (4-rad) (6-rad)Škoda H6ST6-TŠkoda Radschlepper ÖstŠkoda Typ 903Škoda Typ 952Steyr-40D/140Steyr-40D/340Steyr-40D/440Steyr-270 1500A/02Steyr-470 RSO/01Steyr-640Steyr-2000ATatra 57 (ABK)Tatra 72Tatra 82Tatra 92Tatra 111Tatra 57KVW Typ 82 KübelwagenVW Typ 87VW Typ 166 Schwimmwagen