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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (abbreviated as NATO) utilizes a designation system to simplify and standardize reporting of foreign equipment.


Early designations used by the U.S. Department of Defense from 1947 to 1955.
Designation Nation Original
Type 1 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union MiG-9
Type 2 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-15
Type 3 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union La-150
Type 4 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union La-152
Type 5 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union La-156
Type 6 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union La-160
Type 7 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-19
Type 8 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Su-9
Type 9 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Tu-12
Type 10 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Il-22
Type 11 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union I-270
Type 12 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Tu-73
Type 13 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-25
Type 14 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union MiG-15
Type 15 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union La-168
Type 16 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-17
Type 17 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Tu-82
Type 18 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union I-320
Type 19 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union MiG-15PBis
Type 20 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-30
Type 21 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union La-15
Type 22 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union An-2
Type 23 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Su-12
Type 24 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-14
Type 25 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Ts-25
Type 26 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-17UTI
Type 27 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Il-28
Type 28 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-23
Type 29 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union MiG-15UTI
Type 30 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Il-28U
Type 31 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Tu-85
Type 32 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Mi-1
Type 33 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Bye-8
Type 34 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Bye-6
Type 35 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Tu-14
Type 36 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Mi-4
Type 37 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union M-4
Type 38 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Yak-24
Type 39 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Tu-16
Type 40 Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Tu-95

Designation Nation Original Identifying Location
ARSEN-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Mi-24A "Arsen'yev"
CASP-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union KM "Caspian Sea"
CASP-B Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union A-90 «Orlyonok» (pr. 904) "Caspian Sea"
HARB-A Flag of People's Republic of China (1949 - Present) China, People's Republic of SH-5 "Harbin"
KAZ-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Tu-22M0 "Kazan"
KIYEV-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union An-72 (prototype) "Kiyev"
KIYEV-B Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union An-124 «Ruslan» "Kiyev"
KIYEV-C Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union An-71 "Kiyev"
LUK-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union T-8 (Su-25 «Grach») "Lukhovitsy"
MIEL-A Flag of Poland from 1952 to 1980 Poland, People's Republic of PZL I-22 «Iryda» "Mielec"
NAN-A Flag of People's Republic of China (1949 - Present) China, People's Republic of Jing Gang Shan No. 4 "Nanchang"
NAN-B Flag of People's Republic of China (1949 - Present) China, People's Republic of J12 Aircraft "Nanchang"
NOVO-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unknown "twin-engine delta-wing", possibly Tu-22 without outer wing components "Novosibirsk"
NOVO-B Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Su-15 "Novosibirsk"
NOVO-C Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union T-60S "Novosibirsk"
RAM-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Tu-123 (of DBR-1 «Yastryeb-1») "Ramenskoye"
RAM-B Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Yak-28-64 (prototype with two R-11AF2-300 and UR VV) "Ramenskoye"
RAM-C Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Yak-36 (prototype) "Ramenskoye"
RAM-D Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unknown "Ramenskoye"
RAM-E Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union T-6-1 (prototype Su-24) "Ramenskoye"
RAM-F Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union T-6-2I (prototype Su-24) "Ramenskoye"
RAM-G Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Yak-38 "Ramenskoye"
RAM-H Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Tu-144 or Tu-144D "Ramenskoye"
RAM-I Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unused "Ramenskoye"
RAM-J Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union T-8 (Su-25 «Grach») "Ramenskoye"
RAM-K Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union T-10 (Su-27) "Ramenskoye"
RAM-L Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union MiG-29 (izd. 9-12) "Ramenskoye"
RAM-M Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union M-17 "Ramenskoye"
RAM-N Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Il-102 "Ramenskoye"
RAM-O Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unused "Ramenskoye"
RAM-P Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Tu-160 "Ramenskoye"
RAM-Q Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unknown fighter "Ramenskoye"
RAM-R Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Buran (prototype) "Ramenskoye"
RAM-R1 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Buran "Ramenskoye"
RAM-R2 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Buran (analogue) "Ramenskoye"
RAM-S Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unknown "Ramenskoye"
RAM-T Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Yak-141 "Ramenskoye"
SIB-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unknown "SIBNIA"
TAG-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union VVA-14 "Taganrog"
TAG-A Mod. Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 14M1P "Taganrog"
TAG-B Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Prototype ekranoplan "Taganrog"
TAG-C Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union A-90 «Orlyonok» (pr. 904) "Taganrog"
TAG-D Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union A-40 "Taganrog"
TOM-A Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union V-24 (prototype Mi-24) "Tomilino"
TOM-B Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Mi-28 "Tomilino"
XIAN-A Flag of People's Republic of China (1949 - Present) China, People's Republic of J8 Aircraft "Xi'an"

Early Designations from the U.S. Department of Defense
Designation Nickname Nation Original
T-1 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-5M
T-1A - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown
T-2 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-12
T-3 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-16
T-3 Mk 1 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-16
T-3 Mk 2 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-7
T-3A - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown ICBM
T-3A Mk 1 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-9A
T-3A Mk 2 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-7
T-4 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-2
T-4A - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Bura (izd. 350, V-350, La-350, La-X)
T-5 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown tactical missile
T-5A - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown medium range ballistic missile
T-5B - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union 3R2 (from 2K2 «Filin»)
T-5C - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union 3R1 «Sova» (from 2K1 «Mars»)
T-5D - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown
T-5E - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown sounding rocket
T-6 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union V-600P (from S-125 «Nyeva»)
T-6A - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown SAM
T-7 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown SAM
T-7A - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union R-11
T-8 - Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union V-750 (from SA-75 «Dvina»)
T-9 KOMET I Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union Unknown
T-10 KOMET II Flag of the USSR (1936 to 1955) Soviet Union RT-15

Designation Nation Original Identifying Location
BL-10 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Kh-80 "Barnaul"
EM-01 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unknown "Emba"
KN-01 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Geum Seong-1 "North Korea"
KN-02 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Hwasong-11 (Toksa) "North Korea"
KN-03 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Hwasong-5 "North Korea"
KN-04 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Hwasong-6 "North Korea"
KN-05 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unused? "North Korea"
KN-06 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Pon'gae-5 "North Korea"
KN-07 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Hwasong-10 (Musudan) "North Korea"
KN-08 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Hwasong-13 (Rodong-C) "North Korea"
KN-09 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown anti-ship missile "North Korea"
KN-10 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown anti-aircraft missile "North Korea"
KN-11 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Pukguksong-1 (Bukgeukseong-1) "North Korea"
KN-12 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown "North Korea"
KN-13 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown "North Korea"
KN-14 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown ICBM "North Korea"
KN-15 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Pukguksong-2 "North Korea"
KN-16 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown "North Korea"
KN-17 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Hwasong-12 "North Korea"
KN-18 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown tactical missile "North Korea"
KN-19 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Gs3 "North Korea"
KN-20 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Hwasong-14 "North Korea"
KN-21 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown tactical missile "North Korea"
KN-22 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Hwasong-15 "North Korea"
KN-23 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown tactical missile "North Korea"
KN-24 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown tactical missile "North Korea"
KN-25 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown tactical missile "North Korea"
KN-26 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Pukguksong-3 "North Korea"
KY-01 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union R-11M "Kapustin Yar"
KY-03 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union R-17M (from 9K72) "Kapustin Yar"
KY-06 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 9M71 (from 9K71) "Kapustin Yar"
KY-09 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union R-27K (4K-18) (from D-5K) "Kapustin Yar"
KY-11 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union TR-1 (from 9K76) "Kapustin Yar"
KY-12 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 9M79 (from 9K79) "Kapustin Yar"
KY-19 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 9M79-1 (from 9K79-1) "Kapustin Yar"
KY-26 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Rubyezh "Kapustin Yar"
NE-04 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union R-39 "Nenoksa"
PL-01 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union PT-20P "Plesetsk"
PL-04 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union PT-23U "Plesetsk"
PL-05 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union PT-2PM "Plesetsk"
SC-19 Flag of People's Republic of China (1949 - Present) China, People's Republic of Unknown anti-satellite missile "Shuang Cheng Tzu"
SH-01 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 5V61 (A-350Zh) "Sary Shagan"
SH-04 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 5V61R (A-350R) "Sary Shagan"
SH-08 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 53T6 (PRS-1) "Sary Shagan"
SH-11 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 51T6 (A-925) "Sary Shagan"
TT-05 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 11A52 (N-1) "Tyuratam"
TT-09 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union RSS-40 (from 15P666) "Tyuratam"
VA-07 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Kh-15 "Vladimirovka"
WU-14 Flag of People's Republic of China (1949 - Present) China, People's Republic of DF-ZF "Wuzhai"

List of NATO Reporting Designations/Missile/Permanent

Designation Nation Original
ACRV M1974/1 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 1V13
ACRV M1974/2a Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 1V14
ACRV M1974/2b Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 1V15
ACRV M1974/3 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 1V16
ATV M1979/4 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union RKhM
BMD M1979 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BTR-D
BMD M1979/1 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMD-1
BMD M1979/2 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union Unknown BMD
BMD M1979/3 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMD-1KSh
BMD M1981/1 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMD-2
BMP M1966 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMP-1 obr. 1966g. (Ob. 765 Sp.1)
BMP M1970 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMP-1 obr. 1969g. (Ob. 765 Sp.2)
BMP M1974 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMP-1K (Ob. 773)
BMP M1975 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 1Zh3 (PRP-3) (Ob. 767)
BMP M1976/1 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BRM-1 (Ob. 676)
BMP M1976/2 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BRM-1K (Ob. 676)
BMP M1978 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMP-1KSh (Ob. 774)
BMP M1979/1 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMP-1 (Ob. 765 Sp.8) ???
BMP M1979/2 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMP-1PG (Ob. 765 Sp.8)
BMP M1891 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BMP-1P obr. 1979g. (Ob. 765 Sp.4)
BTR M1961/1 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BTR-60P (PT-76 turret)
BTR M1961/2 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BTR-60P (with 37mm)
BTR M1978 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union BTR-70
BTR M1986 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union BTR-70
ICV M1990/1 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union BMP-3
MRL M1964 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 2B5 (BM-21) (part of 9K51)
MRL M1975 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 9P125 (BM-21V) (part of 9K54)
MRL M1976 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 9P138 (BM-21B) (part of 9K55)
MRL M1977 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 9P140 (BM-27) (part of 9K57)
MRL 122mm M1977 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown BM-21 derivative
MRL 280mm M1983 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union 9A52-2 (BM-30) (part of 9K58)
MRL 122mm M1985 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown BM-21 derivative
MRL 240mm M1985 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union Unknown
MRL 240mm M1991 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union Unknown
MT-LB M1975 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 1PL232 (SNAP-10)
MT-LB M1980 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union MT-LB (Ob. 6)
SP AA Gun M1986 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union 2S6 (in 2K22)
SP Howitzer M1973 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 2S3
SP Howitzer M1974 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 2S1
SP Howitzer 152mm M1974 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Unknown SPH
SP Howitzer M1978 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Koksan
SP Howitzer M1989 Flag of North Korea (1948 to 1992) North Korea Koksan
SP Howitzer M1992 Flag of North Korea (1992 to Present) North Korea Chuch'e-Po
SMT M1981/1 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union T-64B (Ob. 447A)
SMT M1988 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union T-72B (Ob. 184)
SMT M1989 Flag of the USSR (1980 to 1991) Soviet Union T-80UD (Ob. 478B)
SMT M2002 Flag of North Korea (1992 to Present) North Korea Songun-915
Towed Howitzer M1954 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union M-46 obr. 1950g. (52-P-482)
Towed Howitzer M1955 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union D-20 obr. 1955g. (52-P-546)
Towed Howitzer M1987 Flag of the USSR (1955 to 1980) Soviet Union 2A65

List of NATO Reporting Designations/Groundveh/Launchveh
