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The HK G3 Kleinkaliber (abbreviated as HK G3-KK) is a German training firearm.


The HK G3-KK was developed from a need for a training G3 variant that was still capable of hitting targets in short-range shooting scenarios in training centers and other exercises. H&K and Rheinmetall would manufacture a small number of the G3-KK, until a conversion kit was developed, effectively halting the need for a dedicated training version.


The HK G3-KK appears to be developed from the G3A3, rechambered for .22 LR. Rechambering the G3 to fire such a light cartridge (in comparison with the original 7.62x51mm cartridge) required the action to be replaced with a blowback system, using a two-piece bolt.


The HK G3-KK saw service in training facilities for the Bundeswehr, alongside the various blank-firing versions and later conversion kits.


G3G 3
Original model with wooden furniture.
G3A1G 3 A1
Updated model with collapsible stock.
G3A2G 3 A2
Updated model with new rear sight.
G3A3G 3 A3
Updated model with fixed stock and polymer furniture.
G3NA3G 3 N A3
A3 model with Navy trigger group.
G3A3A1G 3 A1 A1
A3 model with ambidextrous trigger group. Bundesheer designation.
G3A4G 3 A4
Updated model with collapsible stock and polymer furniture.
G3A4A1G 3 A4 A1
A4 model with ambidextrous trigger group. Bundesheer designation.
G3KA4G 3 K A4
Compact model with collapsible stock.
G3KA4A1G 3 K A4 A1
A4 model with ambidextrous trigger group. Bundesheer designation.
G3SG1G 3 SG 1
Scoped model.


See Heckler & Koch for a table showing more G3 derivatives.

Semi-automatic derivative with fixed stock.
Semi-automatic derivative with fixed stock.
Marksman derivative.
Civilian model with fixed stock.
Civilian model with collapsible stock.
G3A5G 3 A5
Model for Denmark.
G3A6G 3 A6
Model for Iran.
G3A7G 3 A7
Model for Turkey.
G3A7A1G 3 A7 A1
Updated model for Turkey.
"Kleinkaliber" model in .22 LR for training purposes, only a small batch were manufactured.
"Tactical Group Support" model fitting the HK79 grenade launcher on the G3A4.


AG 3
Norwegian derivative.
Ak 4
Swedish derivative.
Heckler & Koch Products
Firearms HK
Military Rifles 313233 (A2A3A4EA3SG1)365053237241337416 (A5A7A8C)417 (A2)433437G3 (A1A2A3NA3A3A1A4KA4A4A1KA4A1A5A6A7A7A1)G11 (K1K2)G36 (A1A2CC3EKKEKVV)G41 (A1A2A3K)GR2GR3 (EA2K)MSG90 (A1SDN)PSG1 (A1)XM8XM29
Civilian Rifles 91 (A2A3)93 (A2A3)94 (A2A3)243293770940MR308MR556 (A1)MR762 (A1)SL6SL7 (Match)SL8USC
Submachine Guns 54MP5 (A1A2A3A4A5KKNKA1KA4KA5MLINA2NA3SD1SD2SD3SD4SD5SD6SDN1SDN2/10/40)MP7 (A1A2)UMP (94045)
Machine Guns 11 (A1E)1213 (E)21 (A1E)23 (E)25121123GR6GR9M27 IARMG4 (EEinbauwaffeKKE)MG5 (A1A2S)MG36
Shotguns 512CAWSFP6
Pistols 4HK45 (CCTT)1911Mark 23P2 (A1)P7P9P11P30 (LSDSKSKS)P46P2000 (SK)SFP (99L9LOR9M9MOR9OR9SK40)UCPUSP (99 Custom Sport9 Elite9 Expert4040 Custom Sport40 Expert4545 Custom Sport45 Elite45 Expert45T)VP (94045)
Grenade Launchers 69 (A1)79169269AG36GMGM320XM25XM29
Cartridges 4.6x30mm HK4.6x36mm HK
Flag of Germany Germany
Cold War Period (1946 — 1990)
Infantry Weapons
Melee Weapons Bayonet [[]]
Survival Weapon [[]]
Sidearms Pistol CRWPHK4P 80
Revolver [[]]
Machine Pistol [[]]
Close Quarters Personal Defense Weapon CRWPMP7 (A1A2)
Submachine Gun HK54MP5 (A1A2A3A4A5)MP 60MP 61MP 64
Shotgun (automatic) [[]]
Shotgun (semi-automatic) HK 512HK CAWS
Shotgun (manual-action) [[]]
Primary Weapons Assault Rifle (5.45/5.56) HK33 (A2A3)G41 (A1A2A3)
Assault Rifle (other) HK36HK G11IWK G11
Assault Carbine (5.45/5.56) HK53G 41 K
Assault Carbine (other) [[]]
Battle Rifles HK41HK G3 (A1A2A3NA3A4A5A6A7A7A1)G 1G 2G 3 (A1A2A3N A3A4A5A6A7A7 A1)G 4
Battle Carbine G 3 K (A4A4 A1)
Automatic Support Weapons Light Support Weapon HK11HK13G8 (A1)
Light Machine Gun [[]]
General Purpose Machine Gun HK21 (A1E)HK23MG 1MG 2MG 3 (A1)
Heavy Machine Gun HK25
Long Range Anti-Materiel Rifle [[]]
Bolt-Action Rifle [[]]
Designated Marksman Rifle HK33SG1
Launchers Grenade Launcher (Attachment) [[]]
Grenade Launcher (Standalone) [[]]
Disposable Rocket Launcher [[]]
Rocket Launcher [[]]
Non-Lethal Weapons Pistol [[]]
Underwater Weapons Sidearm P11
Rifle [[]]
Explosives Anti-Personnel Mines [[]]
Anti-Tank Mines [[]]
Offensive Grenades [[]]
Smoke Grenades [[]]
Firearm Accessories
Weapon Sights Collimator [[]]
Holographic [[]]
Iron [[]]
Night BiV • DM 3
Reflector [[]]
Telescopic FERO-Z 24ZF 4xZF G3
Attachments Flashlights & Lasers [[]]
Foregrips & Bipods [[]]
Infantry Equipment
Clothing Backpacks [[]]
Body Armour [[]]
Bomb Suit [[]]
Elbow and knee pads [[]]
Signals & IFF [[]]
Suits [[]]
Vests & Webbing [[]]
Headwear Communication [[]]
Gas Masks & Rebreathers [[]]
Goggles [[]]
Helmets [[]]
Vehicle Headwear [[]]
Optics, Detection and Surveillance Man-Portable Radar [[]]
Mine Detectors [[]]
Night Vision Goggles [[]]
Periscopes [[]]
Rangefinders [[]]
Surveillance [[]]
Anti-Aircraft Guns [[]]
Anti-Tank Guns [[]]
Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launchers [[]]
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles [[]]
Grenade Machine Guns [[]]
Howitzers [[]]
Mortars [[]]
Railroad Artillery [[]]
Recoilless Guns [[]]
Rocket Artillery [[]]
Siege Artillery [[]]
Land Vehicle Weapons
Vehicle Machine Guns HK MG 5A1
40mm Tank Guns [[]]
75mm Tank Guns [[]]
76.2mm Tank Guns [[]]
84mm Tank Guns [[]]
94mm Tank Guns [[]]
105mm Tank Guns [[]]
120mm Tank Guns [[]]
Howitzers [[]]
Vehicle Autocannon [[]]
ATGMs [[]]
Aircraft Weapons & Munitions
7.62mm Machine Guns [[]]
12.7mm Machine Guns [[]]
23mm Cannons [[]]
30mm Cannons [[]]
37mm Cannons [[]]
Rocket Pods [[]]
Rockets [[]]
Air-to-Air Missiles [[]]
Air-to-Ship Missiles [[]]
Air-to-Surface Missiles [[]]
Anti-Radiation Missiles [[]]
Cruise Missiles [[]]
Bombs [[]]
Books Online Documents
• Full Circle - A Treatise on Roller Locking, R Blake Stevens (ISBN 0-88935-400-6)