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The Funkgerät 2 (abbreviated as Fu. 2 or Fu.G. 2) is a German vehicle radio.

Flag of Germany (1935 to 1945) Germany (Deutsches Reich)
Communication Equipment
Interwar & World War II Period (1919 — 1945)
Infantry Radios
Feld FuG (a1bb1b2cfh)Kl FuG SprTorn FuG (abcd2fghik)
Land Vehicle Radios
DMG 2 TDMG 3 GDMG 3 KDMG 4a KDMG 5 KFu.G. 1Fu.G. 2Fu.G. 4Fu.G. 5Fu.G. 6Fu.G. 7Fu.G. 8Fu.G. 10Fu.G. 11Fu.G. 12Fu.G. 13Fu.G. 15Fu.G. 16Fu.G. 37 (t)Fu.Spr.Ger. (abcdef)
Aircraft Radios
Fu.G. 203 (b)Fu.G. 230Kehl-Straßburg Radio Control Link