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The Type5 Na-To II (五式砲戦車ナト Go-Shiki Hō-Sensha Na-To) is a Japanese tank destroyer developed toward the end of the Second World War. The Na-To fits the 75mm Type 5 Type I Model II on the Type4 Chi-So armoured personnel carrier.

Flag of the Empire of Japan Land Vehicles of Imperial Japan Flag of the Imperial Japanese Army and Air Service
1919 - 1945
Tracked Vehicles
Light Tanks Tankettes Type KāTBTKType 92Type 94Te-Ke
Standard Light Tanks Ishikawajima Type 98Kawasaki Type 92Mitsubishi Type 99Model Kō TankModel Otsu TankHa-GōKe-NuKe-Ni (Kai)Ke-ToKe-RiKe-RuKe-Ho
Railroad Tanks Type95 So-Ki
Medium Tanks Standard Medium Tanks No. 1(Revised)I-Gō (Otsu)Chi-NiChi-Ha (Kai)Chi-HoChi-HeChi-Nu (Kai)Chi-To Prototype IChi-To Prototype IIExperimental Type5 Medium Tank 'Chi-Ri'Chi-Se
Medium Command Tanks Type 97 Shi-Ki
Heavy Tanks Standard Heavy Tanks Aichi-96Ishi-108Ju-NiMitsu-97Mitsu-104Type 91 Heavy TankType 95 Ro-GōType 96 Ju-IType 97 Ju-RoType 97 Ju-Ha
Super Heavy Tanks O-IMi-To
Amphibious Tanks Standard Amphibious Tanks Kawasaki Type 94SR AmphibSR-ISR-IISR-III
Special Motor Launches Type2 Ka-MiType3 Ka-ChiType4 Ka-TsuType5 To-Ku
Self-Propelled Guns Tank Destroyers Type1 Ho-Ni IType1 Ho-Ni IIType3 Ho-Ni IIIExperimental Type5 Gun Tank 'Ho-Ri'Experimental Type5 47mm Self-Propelled Gun 'Ho-Ru'Type5 Na-ToType5 Na-To II'Ji-Ro'
Self-Propelled Gun / Assault Gun So-To12cm Short Gun12cm Long GunHo-IKa-ToHo-RoHa-ToHo-Chi
Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Ki-ToTa-SeSo-KiTa-Ha
Miscellaneous Amphibious Transport FB Swamp Vehicle
Remote-Controlled Explosives Type98 Miniature Engineer Otsu
Transport & Towing Chi-Ke TractorHolt 30Komatsu 3 ton TractorType92 I-KeType92 Ni-KuType94 Yo-KeType95 Ho-FuType98 Six Ton Prime MoverT-G Crawler TruckType98 Ro-KeType98 Shi-KeType98 So-DaType 1 Ho-Ki
Misc Brasso-KiSo-RaType94 Disinfecting VehicleType94 Gas Scattering VehicleType 95 Ri-KiType 97 Ho-KType97 Cable LayerType97 Pole PlanterType 97 Chi-YiuType 96 Se-RiType 1 AOVS-K Trench ExcavatorSōkō Sagyō KiChō Gō Ki TGType100 Te-Re
Half-Track Vehicles
Combat Amphibious Offensive Chenilette St-Chamond M1921Inoma-KaminishiSumida AMP
Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Type 98 Ho-Ki SPAAG
Utility Transport & Towing Type95 KuroganeType98 Ho-Ki Prime MoverType1 Ho-Ha
Amphibious Transport & Towing Ishikawan Jime
Wheeled Vehicles
Combat Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Type98 Ta-Se (truck)
Self-Propelled Anti-Tank Gun Nissan 80
Armoured / Scout / Patrol Cars Austin Model 1918British Crossley Mk IType92 OsakaType87 Armoured CarType3 SumidaType92 ChiyodaType92 Chokei SenshaType92 Kokusan
Utility Transport & Towing Nissan 180Nissan Model 97Toyota KBToyota KCType94 TruckType97 TruckType1 TruckType2 Truck
Staff Cars Nissan 70Toyota SyokiType92 ChiyodaModel93 Staff CarModel95 KuroganeNissan Model97 Staff CarType98 Staff Car
Amphibious Transport & Towing Su-Ki Amphibious Truck
Motocycles Model 97 KuroganeSanrinsha