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Calico Light Weapon Systems, or simply Calico, is an American company.


The California Instrument Company was formed in October 1982, with their first working prototype of a 100-round .22 LR helical magazine fed carbine in May 1985. Double-helix 50 and 100-rnd magazines were entering productions in June 1987.

In 1991, the company was renamed Calico Light Weapons Systems - Calico abbreviating the former name California Instrument Company (Cal / i / co).

Calico Products
Firearms Calico
Rifles Liberty 50 (T)Liberty 100Liberty I (T)Liberty II (T)M-100 (FSFSTST)M-105 (S)M-900M-951M-955 (A)
Submachine Guns M-955 (A)M-960 (A)
Pistols Liberty III (T)M-100PM-110 (FFS)M-950 (A)
Firearm Accessories
Magazines M-207M-912M-913
Flag of the United States of America (1960 to present) United States of America
Post-World War II
Artillery & Small Arms Ammunition CenturyG2 Research
Artillery GDATPGeneral Motors
Firearms AAI CorporationAmendment ArmsAR57 LLCAres DefenceArmaLiteBHABrowningBarrettBushmasterCalicoCenturyCheyTacCobrayColtDaniel DefenseDEFCADDefense DistributedDesert TechDS ArmsGhost GunnerGhost GunsGIIntratecIthacaKACKalashnikov USALaRue TacticalLEGIOLeniadMagpulMACMARSMSARPACRDTSRPBRugerSIGARMSSIG SauerSpringfield ArmorySpringfield Armory, Inc.SWDS.W.O.R.D. Int.TheAKGuyTroyWar Sport
Lasers & Lights SureFire
Magazines Beta CompanyColtMagpulProMagSurefireTroyX-Products
Missiles Raytheon
Optics EOTechVortex
Muzzle Devices Liberty SuppressorsSIONICS
Industry Chemical, Fuel, Power Generation [[]]
Electronics GDMS
Metals / Mining [[]]
Apparel Clothing 5.11
Vehicles Aviation AAI CorporationGeneral Dynamics (AerospaceAircraft Systems)
Ground Vehicles ChryslerGDCS (Land SystemsRobotic Systems)General Motors
Naval Vessels [[]]
Vehicle Parts Aircraft Engines [[]]
Gunsights [[]]
Steering Units [[]]
Submarine Engines [[]]
Transmissions [[]]
Vehicle Engines [[]]
Books Online Documents
• Full Circle - A Treatise on Roller Locking, R Blake Stevens (ISBN 0-88935-400-6)