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The B&T Rotex-II is a Swiss suppressor developed by Brügger & Thomet for the HK MP7 series of personal defense weapons.


B&T Rotex-II
Standard model.
B&T Rotex-II Compact
Compact model.
Brügger & Thomet Products
Firearms B&T
Grenade Launchers GL06
Sniper Rifles APR308
Submachine Guns APC9 (36015BT-36015-G3603936043BT-36043-GBT360453609036090-G361203361238|361238361238-G361267361270-G)APC10APC40 (Pro)APC45 (ProSD)MP9 (-N)MP45TP9 (-N)
Pistols USWVP9
Muzzle Devices
Suppressors Rotex-II (Compact)
Flag of Switzerland Weapons of Switzerland Flag of Switzerland
Modern Period (1946 - Present)
Infantry Weapons
Melee Weapons Bayonet [[]]
Survival Weapon [[]]
Sidearms Pistol 1911MosquitoP6P220 (CarryMatchRSport)P225 (A1)P226 (E2EliteNavyRSL Sport II)P228 (R)P229 (EquinoxRSport)P230P232P238P239P250P290P320P365P938SP20092022SP2340USWVP9
Revolver [[]]
Machine Pistol [[]]
Close Quarters Personal Defense Weapon [[]]
Submachine Gun APC9 (36015BT-36015-G3603936043BT-36043-GBT360453609036090-G361203361238|361238361238-G361267361270-G)APC10APC40 (Pro)APC45 (ProSD)MP9 (-N)MP45TP9 (-N)
Shotgun (automatic) [[]]
Shotgun (semi-automatic) [[]]
Shotgun (manual-action) [[]]
Primary Weapons Assault Rifle (5.45/5.56) [[]]
Assault Rifle (7.62) [[]]
Assault Rifle (other) [[]]
Carbine (5.45/5.56) [[]]
Carbine (7.62) [[]]
Carbine (other) [[]]
Automatic Support Weapons Light Machine Gun [[]]
General Purpose Machine Gun [[]]
Heavy Machine Gun [[]]
Long Range Anti-Materiel Rifle [[]]
Bolt-Action Rifle [[]]
Designated Marksman Rifle [[]]
Launchers Grenade Launcher (Attachment) [[]]
Grenade Launcher (Standalone) [[]]
Disposable Rocket Launcher [[]]
Rocket Launcher [[]]
Guided, Anti-Tank [[]]
Guided, Anti-Air [[]]
Non-Lethal Weapons Rifle [[]]
Pistol [[]]
Underwater Weapons Sidearm [[]]
Rifle [[]]
Explosives Anti-Personnel Mines [[]]
Anti-Tank Mines [[]]
Offensive Grenades [[]]
Smoke Grenades [[]]
Firearm Accessories
Optics Iron Sights [[]]
Collimator [[]]
Telescopic [[]]
Magnifier [[]]
Attachments Flashlights & Lasers [[]]
Foregrips & Bipods [[]]
Infantry Equipment
Clothing Backpacks [[]]
Body Armour [[]]
Bomb Suit [[]]
Elbow and knee pads [[]]
Signals & IFF [[]]
Suits [[]]
Vests & Webbing [[]]
Headwear Communication [[]]
Gas Masks & Rebreathers [[]]
Goggles [[]]
Helmets [[]]
Vehicle Headwear [[]]
Optics, Detection and Surveillance Man-Portable Radar [[]]
Mine Detectors [[]]
Night Vision Goggles [[]]
Periscopes [[]]
Rangefinders [[]]
Surveillance [[]]
Anti-Aircraft Guns [[]]
Anti-Tank Guns [[]]
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles [[]]
Anti-Tank Guided Missile Systems [[]]
Anti-Tank Guided Missile Systems [[]]
Howitzers [[]]
Mortars [[]]
Railroad Artillery [[]]
Recoilless Guns [[]]
Rocket Artillery [[]]
Siege Artillery [[]]
Land Vehicle Weapons
Vehicle Machine Guns [[]]
57mm Tank Guns [[]]
73mm Tank Guns [[]]
76.2mm Tank Guns [[]]
85mm Tank Guns [[]]
100mm Tank Guns [[]]
115mm Tank Guns [[]]
120mm Tank Guns [[]]
122mm Tank Guns [[]]
125mm Tank Guns [[]]
130mm Tank Guns [[]]
152.4mm Tank Guns [[]]
Heavy Guns [[]]
Vehicle Autocannon [[]]
Aircraft Weapons & Munitions
7.62mm Machine Guns [[]]
12.7mm Machine Guns [[]]
23mm Cannons [[]]
30mm Cannons [[]]
37mm Cannons [[]]
Rocket Pods [[]]
Rockets [[]]
Air-to-Air Missiles [[]]
Air-to-Ship Missiles [[]]
Air-to-Surface Missiles [[]]
Anti-Radiation Missiles [[]]
Cruise Missiles [[]]
Bombs [[]]